Ethiopia National Action Plan

Table of Contents



  3. Means and Mechanisms To Implement the Beijing Platform for Action

  4. Mainstreaming

  5. Advocacy

  6. Capacity building

  7. Organization

  8. National Machinery

  9. Participation of Civil Societies

  10. Women's Groups

  11. Gender disagregated Data

  12. Budget For Women

  13. Women in Decision Making

  14. Specific Policy Changes and Outcome

  15. Impact of Micro Economic Policies


Opportunities and Challenges




The Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia has declared its unequivocal commitment to the development of women with the announcement of the National Policy on Women in 1993 (referred to as the Women's Policy), and the promulgation of the new Constitution in 1994.


The Women's Policy primarily aims to institutionalize the political, economical, and social rights of women by creating an appropriate structure in government offices and institutions so that the public policies and interventions are gender-sensitive and can ensure equitable development for all Ethiopian men and women.


Consistent with the above policy, Article 25 of the new Constitution guarantees all persons equality before the law, and prohibits any discrimination on grounds of gender. In addition, Article 35 reiterates principles of equality of access to economic opportunities, including the right to equality in employment and land ownership.


Based on the principles taken prior to Beijing, Ethiopia is not only one of the countries that endorsed the Beijing plan of Action without any reservation during the IV World Conference but also played a very important role in the preparatory process of the document at sub regional and regional level.


In this regard the government in collaboration with the non government sectors and with the civil service society has made a tremendous effort to address the critical concerns. Different strategies and intervention programmes were developed and implemented through the already established gender machinery. Special effort was made to bridge the gender gap in development through taking affirmative actions and prioritizing among the twelve critical areas of concerns.

An important aspect of the gender programs in the country is the mainstreaming of gender in all policy and program intervention. Thus the progress made since the Beijing declarations in the area of gender and development is highlighted in this report.


In Ethiopia approximately 27 million people are living in poverty. Given the lack of access and control over resources and many discriminatory traditional customs, women comprise a majority of those living in absolute poverty. Gender differentials persist at all levels, as reflected by social indicators. Seventy- five percent of women are illiterate. Even though primary education is being promoted, early marriage of girls reduces their chance of having access to higher education{75% of Ethiopian girls marry before the age of 17and approximately 13% between the ages of 17 and 21 years}. The rate of girl student dropouts is much higher than boys and girls are often responsible for many chores which may interfere with their schooling.

Women disproportionately bear the burden of poverty in Ethiopia which is mainly a result of the gender based division of labor and lack of access and control over resources prescribed not only by tradition and culture ,but also reiterated in the law. Women are responsible for all the household chores, in addition to the support they provide in agriculture and livestock production. The state of the environment and lack of appropriate technology increases the burden of women and decreases the opportunity for income generating activities and limits their participation in development sectors. A recent participatory rural appraisal indicates that women are turning to a number of income generating activities to sustain or supplement their family income, but are doing so without any technical or financial support. Customary laws are entrenched at the grassroots level that it is difficult to counter them effectively. The family arbitration system, used for settling inter- house hold disputes is conducted mainly by older men who want to maintain the subordinate position of women and this results in application of gender-biased customary laws. The fact that women are often not well informed of their rights under the law further contributes to their being marginal.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia demonstrated its firm commitment to the equitable socioeconomic development of women with the establishment of the National Policy on Women in 1993 and the promulgation of the new Constitution in 1995. The National Policy on Women aims to Institutionalize the political and socioeconomic rights of women by creating appropriate structures in government institutions.

3. Means and Mechanisms To Implement the Beijing Plat Form for Action


The Ethiopian Government's commitment and dedication to promote women's equal participation in the economic, political and social developments of the country has been manifested in various forms. A number of measures taken by the government have created enabling environment to empower women to become active participants of the development process and benefit from it. In 1992 the creation of a Women's Affairs Office within the Prime Minister's Office mandated to coordinate and facilitate conditions to promote gender equality in areas of development. The declaration of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 provided a framework within which Government's commitment to empower women can be channeled. The Women's Affairs Office of the Prime Minister's Office is charged with responsibilities to oversee and coordinate activities leading to the effective implementation of the Policy.


The Policy states that the responsibility of ensuring the implementation of the National Policy on Women lies mainly with the Government. Following the declaration of the National Policy on Women, and in compliance with its strategy, the challenge then was the creation of a government structure through which the implementation of the Policy can be materialized. In this connection, the institutionalization of women's economic, political and social rights within government structure (central government and in the regions) was not only a necessary step to implement the Policy, but one that would enable the inclusion of women's needs and concerns into government's policy and all development plans. The ultimate goal here is to achieve a level where government policies on economic, political and social spheres and all development intervention plans become gender-sensitive and gender inclusive.

It is with this spirit and in line with the guiding principles of the National Policy on Women that Women's Affairs Departments were established with in 13 strategically situated line ministries. Similarly, in line with Government's decentralization process, and in order to ensure the incorporation of gender in the planning and implementation of development programs. Within the regional governments Women's Affairs Bureau were established in 10 regional governments and in two special administrative regions.


Even though Government machinery plays crucial role in the implementation of the Policy, coordinated and concerted efforts of government, non government and women organizations are crucial to the successful implementation of the Policy. The Ethiopian National Policy on Women also recognizes the significant role Non-Governmental Organizations can play in the implementation of the Policy. "All NGO and donor countries engaged in development activities here in Ethiopia, too are expected to do their utmost toward the implementation of the Policy."


Likewise the Beijing Platform for Action put emphasis on the cooperation and collaboration of governmental and non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the Recommendations of the Forth World Women Conference held in Beijing in 1995. In line with this spirit of collaboration, some joint initiatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations have taken place at the national as well as in the regional states and local government level.


Modalities of cooperation to strengthen Gender initiatives between the Government National machinery (WAO at the Prime Minister Office) and the National Umbrella NGO organization (CRDA) have reached to agreement. This agreement includes among others to cooperate in the area of Gender Mainstreaming, Advocacy, capacity building and creating grassroots women movement.


4. Mainstreaming


All development program at National and Regional levels should be able to integrate gender concerns in their plans and program to see that women participate, contribute benefit and their effort is recognized and technologically supported. Thus the mainstreaming of gender in all development programs should focus at establishing a system where by each sector program would use gender as a measuring indicator to quantify project and achievements. To this effect developing appropriate tools and methodologies to Incorporate gender in the planning is developed and being used. Problems are also identified and experiences of gender focal points are being shared and modifications are in the process of being designed.


5. Advocacy

One of the contributing factors for the subordinate position of Ethiopian women is the existence of harmful traditional practices that puts women in subordinate position and militates against there equal growth and development. Thus more awareness and sensitization programs in different issues on gender should be addressed and advocacy at different level both at the policy and grass roots is so important and for this reason using different media and strategy through formal and informal methodology is of paramount importance. Unified effort of concerned groups is believed to make an impact and bring the desired attitudinal change. Already advocacy strategy has been designed to be implemented by both government, NGO's and women groups on issues such as FGM and other HTP's and on violence against women including domestic violence.

6. Capacity building

In order to make women more efficient in their work and be aware of their problems they need to have skills through training , discussions, networking and other possible means to bring out their potential and work in their full capacity. Thus to materialize the advancement of women at all levels building the capacity of all the stake holders and more so the women themselves through resource (allocation training) establishing appropriate infrastructure---etc. is a mandatory step towards achieving our goal.


7. Organization

To fight against all existing discriminatory practices and problems faced by the Ethiopian women and for the achievement of good governance, a voluntary and Independent women organization at different levels is believed to be an essential instrument. To ensure the participation of women and to raise awareness and to encourage grassroots women around a new awareness of common interest organization is of a paramount importance. Women if organized can serve as pressure groups and can voice their interests and needs and fight for their rights. Facilitating and designing mechanisms is considered as a priority, allocation of special fund for women organization is one of the mechanisms that is being worked upon. Women organizations are believed to serve as special forum for women to get exposures to be informed on the rights and as support mechanism so that their participation and their being beneficiaries can be guaranteed in every walk of their lives. Furthermore development interventions could be chanelled to benefit these organized women.


8. National Machinery


Women's Affairs Office under the social sector of the Prime Ministers Office with a portfolio of a Minster is the national gender focal point. It is accountable to the Prime Minister and is responsible for coordination and monitoring of Women's Affairs activities at a National level and creating a conducive atmosphere for the implementation of policy at various levels and in different sectors.


The Women's Affair Office also creates a forum where government and non-government organizations at national level exchange experiences. On top of this it undertakes studies focusing on the problems of women and devises strategies for the practical solutions to problems.

At the sector level there are Women's departments in the various ministries established to bring out the issues of women's based on the duties and responsibilities of the respective ministries. The departments are accountable to the respective ministries and commissions but also report to the Women's Affair Office of the Prime Minister concerning their annual plan and other pertinent gender issues that need due attention.


In the same manner, the Regional Women's Affair offices are accountable to each Regional Administrative Council. The duties and responsibilities included provision of assistance of Women's affair offices in their respective regions at various levels. Moreover they help to create favourable condition for the implementation of Women's policy and follow up, and monitor various activities undertaken at regional level. They identify areas of concern based on the needs and priorities of each region and plan to achieve the goals envisaged.


The Women's Affairs Committee, established in the Council of Peoples representatives is entrusted with the role of scrutinizing and checking gender sensitivity of proclamation & laws before their promulgation.

The democratization process the new constitution the women's policy and the institutional set up have created conductive atmosphere for the promotion and the advancement of women and the implementation of the plan of action.

Since Beijing gains for women in social political and economic spheres have been registered.

In the political front, the government encourages women take full part in the political life of the country. Presently, out of 548 seats, in the House of Peoples Representatives 2.3% is occupied by Women. The Federal Council which has a woman as its-speaker has 7 women among its 128 members. At the Woreda council the number of women in office has reached 8% . It is evident from these figures that the political empowerment of women although a good beginning, needs to be further enhanced and promoted to increase the participation of women at all level .For the next election in the year 2000 we have set a goal to reach 15% at the federal level and 20% at local level.


In the economic sphere, women in Ethiopia are given important role in the implementation of the Five Year Development Programme which is based on the Agricultural Development Led Industrialization strategy. The question of access to and control over the land which has hindered the rural women from enjoying their basic economic rights has been properly addressed by the new Constitution of Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia guaranteeing them equal rights with men. Land redistribution programs undertaken in some regions had treated women equally with men. In addition, the Government has put in place policy and legislative measures which empowered women to have access to credit facilities and extension services and improved agricultural technology.


In the social field, the 1993 Health Policy, has given a special attention to the health needs of the family, particularly that of women & children. In this regard, primary health care services that include Mother-Child Health (MCH) and reproductive health services are expanding with the establishment of clinics & health centers specially in rural areas by local governments Furthermore HIV/AIDS is a major concern and family planning activities have been intensified in view of high fertility status of women in Ethiopia which is amongst the highest amongst the highest in Africa. Vaccination against killer diseases among children is intensified to improve the survival status of children.

A National Education Policy which aims at raising the enrollment rate & retention of girls is being developed and implemented. The Ministry of Education is in the process of reviewing the education curricula. In the education sector development program gender is mainstreamed in the different components such as curriculum, teacher training, capacity building and through distance education to enhance the participation and performance of female students at different levels. Indicators in education sector development program are set in that female participation rate at primary is expected to be 45% and the number of female teachers 35%.

A center has been established within the education institution to carry out research, training , and documentation on gender issues. This center plays a critical role in generating data on women and men, provides training on gender and encourages university staff and students at undergraduate level to focusing on gender related studies. It also provides information on gender not only to the university community but also to the general public and has periodic publications on gender and development issues. It collects research findings from various institutions for use by different individuals and organizations.

In order to produce gender sensitive information to the public, journalists awareness level and attitude towards gender equality has to be improved, thus gender training through in service and pre service training programs for journalists is provided. On the other hand regular programs on women and development have been established through national and regional radio, news papers and TV programs. Basic information has been gathered on women and art and research was carried out to evaluate the gender dimension in media production


In fighting violence against women, necessary measures are being undertaken to sensitize the public through extensive use of the mass media Regular training programs have been devised for the police force to enhance their awareness on the issues of gender-based-violence, and increase their capability to protect women and to provide assistance to victims of such violence.


The Government is also undertaking the overall review of its family law and penal codes to identify and change any discriminating provisions. Legislative actions are now underway and the first preliminary draft is issued for public discussion. It is also to be noted that Ethiopia has ratified the two important international conventions relating to the rights of women i.e. The convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Dissemination Against Women & the Convention on the Political Rights of Women.

9. Participation of Civil Societies

The National Women's Policy with a goal of " --- facilitating conditions conducive to the speeding up of equality between men and women---" needs and emphasize the cooperation and collaboration of governmental and non-governmental organizations including any stake holders that works in the country inorder to bring changes in the lives of the people in Ethiopia and particularly on the women are encouraged to work in harmony. NGO'S and women groups are major partners in the implementation of the policy at grass roots level. The national machinery both at the Federal level and regional level are playing a role of bridge between governments and NGO'S, CRDA (Umbrella organization of NGO'S) organized "Beyond Beijing" conference immediately after Beijing government representatives also attended the meeting and prioritized poverty as a concern to Ethiopia where they can concentrate their activities in line with the objectives of their organization. Thus where specific NGO'S and women groups are mentioned it is as an illustration of a particular kind of activity in which NGO'S and women association have acted as promoters of women's right.

Among such organizations are the CRDA (Umbrella organization at national level), Rural Development organizations, Religious and community organizations and women professional associations and movements are involved in the implementation of the National Plan of action whereby poverty eradication being the priority focus.


Professional women association such as women lawyers, Midwives Nurse. Association and the National committee for the eradication of harmful traditional practices are working together in matters that are directly of their concerns.


The national committee for the eradication of harmful traditional practices has been playing major roles in brining about a change of attitude, knowledge and practice of various target audience, through training and information campaign with the involvement of government machineries health personnel's, school teachers and grassroots community members, traditional and religious leader, Youth groups and government officials.


A national baseline survey targeting over 60 ethnic groups in the country has been conducted. Practices affecting women and the girl child were identified among which are female genital mutilation, early marriage abduction the desire for children etc. The women study center at the university of Addis Ababa also managed a study targeting several groups and sectors on different practices including violence committed against women and children these studies among others are expected to serve as document for designing strategies to be implemented both by government and NGO's and community in their effort to reduce the HTP practices affecting women and children.


10. Women's Groups


Various women's organizations are formed to promote women issues in different areas. Women organize themselves by professions by common goal or interest and organize themselves and form associations by gender. The grass roots women have now formed associations so that they have access to credit, training and get self employment or create various activities that are productive and beneficiary. They also look for sources of fund and have projects that improve their lives and satisfy their basic necessities.


Professional women associations such as women's health association, women lawyer's association, women education association, women association of the disabled target to tackle the problems in the respective areas and target women's interests; they bring out issues where women are disadvantaged and find solutions. They work in collaboration with other similar organizations in and outside the country. They promote Women's capacity by providing training programs and experience sharing forums.


There are also indigenous women associations that work at grass roots level in communities with a focus on the specific needs of women in their respective communities. This are part of larger development associations but focusing and targeting women. They provide skill training, credit and introduce labor saving devices to minimize the labor of women with regards to household chores and assist women to develop their leadership skills and participate in the democratization process.

The Ethiopian women entrepreneurs association, the Ethiopian midwives association and the national association for the handicapped women are some examples of the encouraging growth of civil society whose concern lies in addressing the specific needs of women.

11. Gender disagregated Data

This is an important aspect to analyze the situation of gender by sex. The situation of women can be seen and realized if their numbers, participation or weather they have been advantaged or disadvantaged in different areas is clearly put in comparison to that of women. Now being disagregated such as census the number of population in the country by age, by sex and by region. Education data show enrollment drop out, participation of girls and number of teachers, field of study by sex and other such information. All sector programes are disagrigated but particular emphasis has been given to Human Resource Development to be monitored quarterly and annually so that the number of women benefiting would be known and problems would be indentified.


Many institutions now are desegregating data by computerizing the information and to target women's interest. This help to bring our issues where women are disadvantaged and they find solutions through policy and program intervention. Moreover gender indicators in planning, monitoring and follow up of development programs allow women to consider their interest and thereby participate and benefit at all levels of development. The Gender Departments in the line ministries and the Regional Gender Bureaus have been very instrumental in the follow up and in convincing planners to disagrigate targets by gender.


12. Budget For Women


The Ethiopian government has recognized the need for establishing special program and affirmative action to improve the economic status of women in Ethiopia. Major policy changes have been made to integrate gender dimension in development intervention affirmative action has been taken to enhance women's access and control over productive resources such as the revision of credit rules and the establishment of rural credit systems to reach marginalized grassroots women. The formulation of gender indicators in development projects and programs are some of the examples of gender sensitive intervention. On the other hand the institutionalization of gender in all government development programs eventually allows women to benefit from development interventions at all levels.


To improve the economic status of women and their access and control over economic resources grassroots women have received training on income generation skills and have been provided credit. To establish income generating activities both the government and the private sector have been able to give special focus to women's economic needs through the revision and adoption of the existing credit system to enable women to have improved access to credits, hence the establishment of special fund promotion institute to facilitate the establishment of micro credit enterprise is a major step towards women's economic empowerment.

Considering women's employment as statistics show many women are employed in the informal sector and in the non clerical non skilled areas. Women Employed in the professional areas are very few. There is a trend now that women who are qualified and who meet the required criteria enter into these professions and in the positions that have primarily been held by men. The Second Global Trade faire of women Entrepreneurs will be held in Addis. The Ethiopian Women Entrepreneurs is playing major role with the African Federation. The Establishment of women activity centers in five regions with the World Bank IDF grant is believed to facilitate market outlets for poor women.


13. Women in Decision Making


Although the number of women in decision making is still low the visibility of women in the public area has been enhanced by the representation of women in parliament and the appointment of a number of women to high public places previously dominated by men. These areas of women representations include women parliamentarians, women ministers, women bureau heads, women department heads and other such positions.


This visibility has contributed to creating awareness in the population on gender issues and move particularly aspirations to young girls. These women also play a role in the public arena and become role models to other women in different sectors.


Women in decision making positions in government and legislative bodies contribute to redefining priorities, placing items on the agenda that reflect and address gender specific concerns and experiences and provide new perspective on mainstreaming.

14 Specific Policy Changes and Outcome


Since the beginning of Beijing Conference, the government has formulated a number of policies, and legislative frame works and gender concerns are integrated in most of the newly formulated policies and laws.


The national constitution has been developed to protect the fundamental rights of women and their interest of access and control over resource, about equality among women and men in marriage. It recognizes the history of inequality and discrimination suffered by women in Ethiopia. Ethiopian women are entitled to remedial and affirmative measures to enable them to compete and participate on the basis of equality with men in political, economic and social life. Women have the right to protection by the state from harmful customs and practices that press them or causes bodily or mental harm. They have equal right to employment, promotion, affirmative action is undertaken to improve the employment status of women through the revision of the civil service codes and existing labour laws.


Women's access to and control over productive resources including access to farm land, water and forest resources, new policies and program have been formulated and adopted with increased gender consideration and equity.


Thus as regard to property and land rights the constitution states that women shall acquire, administer control, use and transfer of property. With respect to use, transfer, administration and control of land women have as equal access as men to benefit this. Employment, promotion and transfer of pension are explicitly put in the constitution.


Access to family planning education information and capacity building activities are provided in order to prevent harm during pregnancy and child birth and safe guard the mother health.


Concerning maternity leave the constitution also affirms that maternity leave will be provided with full pay and the duration is determined taking into account the nature of the work, the health of the mother and the well being of the child and family.

15. Impact of Micro Economic Policies


Structural adjustment program and micro economic policies have shown different impact on women and men. Women's burden in addressing their family needs has increased as a result of the structural adjustment program. The Ethiopian government has taken special focus and affirmative action to address women's specific needs in structural adjustment programs. Women have been fully integrated in this program with the provision of credit and training to establish alternative employment opportunities for women. The women affairs sector at the prime ministers office, and sectional and regional women's affairs department and bureau have been critically involved in following up the status of displaced women and their integration in to the major intervention programs.


Opportunities and Challenges

Profound change in political, economic social and cultural relationships have dominated in Ethiopia that provided women, government as well as NGO's with challenges concerning women's status.

This has called for concret efforts to put into action the goals and strategies laid down in the constitution, the National Women's Policy and the overall Rural-Centred Development programme.

The national Gender Policy frame work and the constitution are meant to provide a frame work which all government structure and development partners can use tackle women's' in their general or specific activities.

It is also an opportunity to have not only legislative support, policy frame work but also institutional arrangements that enables the mainstreaming of gender concerns in all programs and activities as it was recommended by the Beijing platform for action for the advancement of women.

In the five-years development strategic plan every effort being made empower women. It is rural focused, agricultural led industrialization plan of development that we base and try to integrate the Beijing platform for action prioritizing poverty among the twelve critical areas of concern.


Despite all the positive and encouraging activities ahead is much more challenging when it comes to implementation of the action plan.

Despite the fact of the political commitment, legal support and institutional arrangement the bureaucratic resistance to accept the gender experts as equal partners and to the gender equitable integration of woman as subject of public policy has made it more difficult to perform effectively because of traditional set up of society and thinking.

More serious shortcoming is the absence of organisations as constituencies to the national machinery's in the civil society, because of past experience and because of lack of resources combined with reluctance of women themselves.

In order to accelerate the advancement of women in Ethiopia It is believed that trespassing from the public to the private and from the private to the public is the mechanism that generate a form of genuine grass roots feminism where solidarity links and communication networks to be set up around anew awareness of common interests. Allocation of special fund for woman organisation is therefore a goal to be achieved by mid 1999, because women organisations are believed to serves as special forum for women to get exposures to be informed on their rights and to make pressures on their constitutional rights so that their participation and being beneficiaries can be guaranteed in all walks of their lives.


The Implementation of the women's policy, at regional level is also designed so that each institution has responsibility of its own.


Bureau of Education

  • Formulate education system which encourage female
  • Introduce Gender class
  • Make the Education Curriculum and System more gender sensitive
  • Ensure Gender balance in the community training center
  • Bureau of Health

  • Enhance maternal services
  • Enhance family planning
  • Promote more out reach services
  • Train traditional birth attendants and community health against
  • Promote health education
  • Gender balance in training for jounior health workers

    Bureau of Information, Culture and Tourism

  • Make a cultural policy
  • Make a marriage law, and promote IEC regarding family law
  • Create awareness against HTP
  • Formulate anti-harmful Culture
  • Facilitate gender information thorough news papers, and other media.
  • Bureau of Labor and social Affairs

  • Safeguard the job security of women
  • Ensure equal pay for equal job and promotion
  • Train employees about gender issue
  • Provide supports for the elderly by formulating programs, policies and projects
  • Make research about prostitution and design strategy to over come it
  • Train the unemployed
  • Have gender dis-aggregated information
  • Mediate resource to help and train prostitutes
  • Bureau of Agriculture

  • Introduce extension service in activities which are closely related to women such as Vegetable, milk production, pollutery etc.)
  • Encourage women head families to participate in every program
  • Assist women in getting credit and inputs and extension services
  • Bureau of Trade and Industry

  • Gender balanced Training services
  • Organize informal sector participants in group and ensure credit
  • Civil Service Commission

  • Ensure equal pay for equal job
  • Encourage women professionals to take high government positions
  • Safeguard job security for women
  • Design a promotion strategy (Salary, education)
  • Investment

  • Design an incentive scheme for women investors
  • Give special incentives for projects which promote female employment and services
  • Commission for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness

  • Work program's through which Female victims (with no land and means of Production) can have a sustainable support
  • Give priority to women and children
  • Create a gender sensitive appraisal system for NGO projects
  • Plan and Economy

  • Establish a system where by reporting and planning is dis-aggregated on gender basis
  • Use Gender equality as a basis for program and project selection.
  • Police

  • Fight violence against women such as rape
  • Safe guard prostitutes from men violence by training, counseling etc.
  • Encourage more Female members in the police
  • Department of Proscution

  • Defend women and ensure their rights
  • Follow-up the implementations of the legal and Political rights of women
  • Creat legal consciousness among the community
  • Justice office

  • Clear women cases very quickly
  • Study on most frequent women cases and conduct training on solving them
  • Train traditional courts
  • Women's Bureau

  • Be a center for regional coordination
  • Design a gender training manuals
  • Coordinate gender activities
  • Conduct extensive gender awareness seminars
  • Assist organized women
  • Look for funds to assist rural land less and urban poor women.
  • Conduct surveys and different researches on women's projects
  • Kebele Administration

  • Encourage women participation in decision making and benefits from dev't work
  • Create awareness about gender equality in all occasions
  • Encourage involvement of women in various development committees
  • Organize grass root level women organization
  • Support women association by providing offices, land etc.
  • Technology and research Centers

  • Generate and strengthen appropriate technology that reduce the work load of women
  • Water Energy and Mining bureau

  • Encourage the participation of the women in water committee
  • Facilitate water provision
  • Introduce and encourage the utilization of energy saving technology

  • Website: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/
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