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Wednesday, 14 May 2008

10:00am - 10:30am Official opening of the High-Level Segment (GA Hall)

[Webcast: Archived Video - English: 3 hours and 1 minute ]
[Webcast: Archived Video - Original Language: 3 hours and 1 minute ]


H.E. Mr. Francis Nhema
Minister of Environment and Tourism of Zimbabwe and Chairman of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development's 16th Session

[ Video - English ]


H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon

[ Video - English ] 11 minutes
[ Text ]

10:30am - 1:00pm Interactive discussions/ Official statements under the topic of The Way Forward

Antigua and Barbuda (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China)
H.E. Mr. John W. Ashe, Permanent Representative
[ Video - English ]

Slovenia (on behalf of the European Union, the candidate countries Turkey, Croatia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the countries of the Stabilization and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia and the EFTA country Liechtenstein, member of the European Economic Areaas well as Moldova, Armenia and Georgia)
H.E. Mr. Istok Jarc, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
[ Video - English ]

Grenada (on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States)
H.E. Dr. Angus Friday, Permanent Representative of Grenada
[ Video - English ]

Tonga (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States)
H.E. Mr. Mahe Tupouniua, Deputy Permanent Representative of Tonga
[ Video - English ]

Bangladesh (on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)
H.E. Ms. Ismat Jahan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Sahas Banditkul, Deputy Prime Minister
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Ms. Gerda Verburg, Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Paavo Vayrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. John Gormley, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. József Gráf, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Hungarian ]

H.E. Mr. Artûras Paulauskas, Minister of Environment
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Josef  Prőll, Federal Minister
[ Video - English ]

Costa Rica
H.E. Mr. Roberto Dobles, Minister of Environment
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Spanish ]

Saudi Arabia
H.E. Dr. Fahad Bin Abdulrahman Baleghnaim, Minister of Agriculture
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Arabic ]

The Hon. Ms. Esther Byer-Suckoo, Minister of Family, Youth, Sports and the Environment
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Du Ying, Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Chinese ]

H.E. Mr. Predrag Nenezić, Minister of Tourism and Environment
[ Video - English ]

Côte d’Ivoire
H.E. Dr. Ahizi Daniel, Minister of Environment, Water and Forests
[ Video - English ] [ Video - French ]

South Africa
H.E. Mr. Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
[ Video - English ]

The Hon. Mr. Anil Kumar Bachoo, Minister of Environment and National Development Unit
[ Video - English ]

The Hon. Mr. Kwadwo Adjei-Darko, Minister for Local Government, Rural Development and Environment
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Erlan Nigmatulin, Senator of  Parliament
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Russian ]

Republic of Korea
H.E. Dr. Lee Byung-Wook, Vice Minister of Environment
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Matthias Machnig, State Secretary, Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Ms. Mona Brøther, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[ Video - English ]

Viet Nam
H.E. Mr. Dao Xuan,  Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
[ Video - English ]

3:00pm - 4:00pm Interactive discussions/ Official statements under the topic of The Way Forward (continued)

[Webcast: Archived Video - English: 55 minutes ]
[Webcast: Archived Video - Original Language: 55 minutes ]

H.E. Ms. Yael Shaltiel, Director-General, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Bruno Jean Richard Itoua, Minister of Energy and Hydraulics
[ Video - English ] [ Video - French ]

H.E. Mr. Josip Kraljičković, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
[ Video - English ]

H.E. Mr. Luis Medeiros Vieira, Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture and Fisheries
[ Video - English ]

Democratic Republic of the Congo
H.E. M. François Joseph Nzanga Mobutu Ngbangawe, Minister of State in Charge of Agriculture
[ Video - English ] [ Video - French ]

H.E. Mr. Ahmed Al Anwar, Assistant Minister for Environmental Affairs
[ Video - English ] [ Video - Arabic ]

H.E. Mrs. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Minister of Environment and Tourism
[ Video - English ]

Antigua and Barbuda (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China)
[ Video - English ]

4:00pm - 6:00pm Ministerial Roundtable 1: Investing in Africa to achieve Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development

[Webcast: Archived Video - English: 2 hours and 2 minutes ]
[Webcast: Archived Video - Original Language: 2 hours and 2 minutes ]

UN Deputy Secretary-General
Ms. Asha-Rose Migiro
[ Video - English ] 6 minutes
[ Text ]



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