International UN-Water Conference. Water in the Green Economy in Practice: Towards Rio+20. 3-5 October 2011

Tools information briefs

For the purposes of the Conference, the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) has produced a series of information briefs on different issues and tools addressed.

The conference highlighted different tools which can be used to promote change and support the transition towards a green economy. These tools are essential for overcoming the current barriers that obstruct the transition to a green economy; to harness opportunities; and to address important issues such as inequalities. They enable us to do more with less, to realise potentials and to change behaviours in order to create a green economy.

The tools information briefs introduce the main challenges, opportunities and key facts related to each of the tools identified. The briefs also outline a set of practices and approaches for transitioning to the green economy as highlighted by the organisations participating in the conference. These approaches are illustrated with case studies featured in the conference. The following tools are covered by these information briefs:

  • Water Financing in the Transition to the Green Economy [105 KB - PDF document]
    In the transition to the green economy, financing means mobilizing more efficiently the funds required to alleviate global poverty; bridging the inequalities between developed and least developed countries; reducing inequality in countries; fostering innovation and new green technologies; creating new job opportunities (green jobs) to compensate the losses in 'brown economy'; reducing scarcities; and enhancing resource efficiency; and designing 'smart subsidies'. The financing challenge of the green economy is to promote growth patterns that internalize environmental costs and that avoid lock-in effects of unsustainable consumption patters.
  • Water and Capacity Development in the Transition to the Green Economy
    [185.8 KB - PDF document]
    Labor market and training policies can play an important role in achieving the green economy. They can play a key role in facilitating the structural adjustments associated with the green economy, while minimizing the associated social costs.
  • Water and Technology in the Transition to the Green Economy [201 KB - PDF document]
    Green technologies can contribute to the green economy because they have the potential to create new business opportunities, markets and jobs. They can boost water and energy efficiency and contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals in building a green economy. Innovative water technologies can increase the amount of water available for drinking, agriculture and manufacturing, and can allow us to use water more efficiently.