Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Women – ECOSOC Debate, Vote on Draft Resolution – Summary Record (E/2015/SR.36)

Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Women – ECOSOC Debate, Vote on Draft Resolution – Summary Record (E/2015/SR.36)


Action on recommendations contained in the report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its
fifty-ninth session (E/2015/27)

Draft resolution I: Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women

  1. The President invited the Council to take action on the draft resolution entitled “Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women”, contained in chapter I, section A, of the report. The draft resolution had been adopted by the Commission by a recorded vote of 27
    to 2, with 13 abstentions. He understood that a recorded vote in the Council had been requested on the draft resolution.
  2. A recorded vote was taken.

In favour:

Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Guatemala, India, Kuwait, Mauritania, Mauritius, Nepal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe.


Australia and United States of America.


Albania, Austria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Portugal, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  1. The draft resolution was adopted by 16 votes
    to 2, with 20 abstentions



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