389th Committee meeting – 28 March 2018

On 28 March, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People held its 389th meeting at UN Headquarters in New York. In addition to receiving a report on its delegation’s visit to Uganda, approving three upcoming activities, including a delegation visit to Panama early April, a two-day forum at headquarters in May, and a conference on the question of Jerusalem in Morocco June end, the Committee was briefed by UNRWA’s representative in New York on recent developments and the Agency’s current financial crisis. He informed of the Ministerial meeting held in Rome on 15 March, where $100 million where pledged in support of UNRWA.  He expressed “growing concern” for the 1.2 million refugees in Gaza. The State of Palestine called, inter alia, for full implementation of  Security Council resolution 2334 (2016) and encouraged governments to take action with regard to para. 5 of the resolution which calls upon all States to distinguish between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967 in their relevant dealings, similar to the recent action by the Danish Parliament and the European Commission. He also referred to efforts to garner support for the alternate collective process outlined by President Abbas in the Council to advance the two-State solution, application of Palestine for full membership in the UN, and international protection of Palestinian civilians under occupation. Concern was voiced by some member States about the impending move of the United States’ Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.


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