UN Headquarters

25 October 2016

Remarks at Staff Awards Ceremony 2016

Ban Ki-moon

Distinguished colleagues and friends,
I am delighted to be with you to continue our celebrations of UN Staff Day.
It is once again my great pleasure to celebrate the finalists of this year’s United Nations Secretary-General Awards.
Congratulating the winners and thanking all the finalists for what they have done for our Organization, above and beyond the call of duty, is a pleasure and an honour.
United Nations staff members are the Organization’s most important resource.
Your hard work and dedication enable the United Nations to help people all over the world.
You embody passion and compassion.
You help provide peace, dignity and hope.
I am proud to be your colleague.
This year, the Awards are presented in four categories: Collegiality; Courage; Greening and Managing Change.
Almost 100 nominations were submitted.
Each exemplifies commitment to our Charter.
The remarkable projects that made the short-list are truly inspiring.
All deserve to be honoured.
May I ask all the finalists to stand -- either in this chamber or in your locations -- to be recognized.
Thank you.
I commend you once again for your initiative and commitment.
Your achievements are inspiring to us all.
As I prepare to bid farewell to the Organization that I have served with pride for the past decade, I do so knowing that it is in safe hands – your hands.
Thank you.