New York

09 November 2021

Secretary-General's video message for the United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year Award Ceremony

Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General

Watch the video:

Dear colleagues,

It is my honour to present the 11th United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year Award to Superintendent Sangya Malla of Nepal.

Superintendent Malla serves with our peacekeeping operation MONUSCO, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

She helped establish and now leads the mission’s Health and Environment Unit, enhancing the safety and welfare of our peacekeepers by mitigating the risks from COVID-19 and other threats.

And she represents something far larger — the many contributions of women police officers in advancing peace and security around the world.

Through her work, Superintendent Malla embodies the best of the United Nations. 

Her service is another reminder of the importance of achieving gender parity across the United Nations system.

Superintendent Malla, you have done your country, MONUSCO, and the entire United Nations family proud.


Thank you.