
07 December 2015

Secretary-General's remarks at closing of Thematic Day on Energy

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Your Excellency Ms. Segolene Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development of France; Your Excellency Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the General Assembly; Your Excellency Mr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy of the United States of America; Your Excellency Mr. Hakima El Haite, Minister Delegate in charge of the Environment of Morocco; Mr. Xu Shaoshi, Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission of China;
Mr. Adnan Amin, Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency; Ms. Rachel Kyte, Special Representative designate of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All; Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The production and use of energy is responsible for more than half of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

That means energy is also more than half of the solution.

We need sustainable energy to reduce global greenhouse emissions and avert the risks of runaway climate change.

Access to modern, reliable, affordable clean energy is equally important for ending extreme poverty and reducing inequality.

More than 1 billion people worldwide live without electricity.

Nearly 3 billion people depend on smoky, dangerous traditional fuels for cooking and heating.

We need sustainable energy for better education, better health and stronger more resilient economies.

That is why I launched my Sustainable Energy for All initiative in 2011. 

Through partnerships among governments, the private sector and civil society, we can produce transformational change.

Earlier this year, world leaders who gathered at the United Nations made history by agreeing on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Sustainable Development Goal 7 is the first-ever universal goal on energy.

This goal gives us clear targets for energy access, efficiency, and renewable energy for 2030.

A robust, universal climate agreement here in Paris will contribute to achieving this Goal.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Sustainable Energy for All initiative continues to offer a global implementation framework for all partners wanting to combat climate change and achieve SDG7.

I recently appointed Ms. Rachel Kyte as my new Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All to spearhead these efforts.

Much is already happening.

Last year, at the Climate Summit in New York, we launched the SE4All Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform.

Today, we can celebrate commitments from more than 100 businesses, 100 cities and jurisdictions, and 100 banks.

Energy efficiency is one of our best tools for reducing energy-related emissions. 

Saving energy is a triple-win solution.

It can save money, reduce emissions, and provide additional energy capacity.

There are other ground-breaking initiatives that have been showcased today.

The African Clean Energy Corridor and the SIDS Lighthouses initiatives, supported by the International Renewable Energy Agency, are helping to bring renewable energy solutions to the world’s most vulnerable regions.

The International Solar Alliance, which was launched here in Paris a few days ago, is promising to bring solar solutions to scale.

Renewable energy technologies are becoming cheaper and more competitive.

Many people are now using modern energy for the first time thanks to a solar panel, a wind turbine, or a small hydro power plant.

But, to replicate this experience for billions more people, we will need finance.

Here in Paris, we have seen new major financing and clean energy solutions being launched by some of the world’s largest countries, companies and philanthropies.

Let us build on these bold initiatives.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

A global energy transformation must reduce heat-trapping emissions.

It also needs to ensure that we leave no one behind.

Those things can only be achieved if we tackle the issues of energy access, energy efficiency, and renewable energy together as a trinity.

This is what Sustainable Development Goal 7 is all about.

The work has already begun.

We have seen the examples.

You are among the front runners.

Now I urge you: Scale it up. Speed it up. Bring others on board.

I thank you for your leadership and example.