
18 February 2020

Remarks to press at Kartarpur, Pakistan

António Guterres

This is a very emotional moment — and I cannot be here without having a very strong feeling. 
It is wonderful to see interfaith dialogue. It is wonderful to see in the same shrine today Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, maybe Hindus — all worshipping in harmony and in peace. 
This is the best symbol that we can give for a world in peace and for a world in which there is mutual respect and there is the acceptance of what is different — recognizing that diversity is a blessing, is a richness, not a threat. 
When we see so many parts of the world fighting in the name of religion, it’s necessary to say that religions unite us for peace and the best symbol is this shrine.
I also want to take profit of this occasion.  I’ve been in Amritsar, today I’m here, to pay tribute to the contribution of the Sikh community all over the world for our planet.  I’m a Christian but I feel very much at home when I am in a Sikh shrine and where I can pray to God here together with the Sikh community.
Thank you very much.