
16 November 2009

Remarks to the press at Food Security Summit

Ban Ki-moon

Mr. Jacques Diouf, Director-General of FAO,
Ms. Josette Sheeran, Executive Director of WFP,
Mr. Kanayo Nwanze, President of IFAD,
Ladies and gentlemen of the media,

This morning I emphasized that the world has more than enough food yet more than one billion people are hungry. This is unacceptable.

I would like to acknowledge the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, represented here today by Mr. Diouf, Ms. Sheeran and Mr. Nwanze, who will be here shortly.

Their organizations are central to our work for food security and the Millennium Development Goals. I welcome their close collaboration.

We know we face a huge challenge.

But we have achieved much in the past year – especially the agreements and commitments on food security at the G8 Summit in L'Aquila.

The principles agreed there are now at the heart of the declaration of this Summit.

They will underpin our efforts to achieve the first Millennium Development Goal of reducing of extreme poverty and hunger.

They also provide the basis for increased investment in food security.

However, I must emphasize: there can be no food security without climate security.

That is why, next month in Copenhagen, we need a comprehensive agreement that will provide a firm foundation for a legally binding treaty on climate change.

I remain positive about Copenhagen.

There is no cause for alarm.

We have known for a while that we will not have a treaty in Copenhagen. This is not news.

We can still reach a significant agreement in Copenhagen that will provide the foundation for a treaty next year.

We know the negotiations will be hard.

But we have achieved progress on many issues.

There is much convergence on a shared vision and in the areas of adaptation, technology and capacity building.

Convergence too on reducing emissions from deforestation.

And we are making progress on mitigation targets.

Some countries' targets are close to what we need.

Others have indicated that their existing commitments can be expanded if they see others following suit.

We still have everything to play for.

Now we need the direct engagement of Heads of State and Government from all regions.

I welcome Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen's invitation for world leaders to come to Copenhagen.

Copenhagen does not need to resolve all the details.

But we do need a comprehensive agreement that provides the foundation for a climate treaty in the coming months.

Let me spell out the three main criteria for a successful deal in Copenhagen.

First, every nation must do its part.

Developed countries need to set ambitious targets for 2020.

Developing countries too must do more to slow the growth of their emissions.

Second, governments must agree on sizable financing and technology support to ensure that developing countries can and will limit their emissions and cope with the consequences of climate change.

We look to developed countries to provide up to $10 billion dollars in fast-track funding annually over the next three years to jump-start low-emission growth in developing countries, to limit deforestation and to finance adaption measures.

Third, governments must agree on an equitable, transparent governance structure to manage this support.

All countries will need stronger monitoring, reporting and verification of both mitigation and financing.

I am fighting for a deal in Copenhagen. A deal that addresses these three elements.

A deal that brings governments together with mutual obligations and accountability.

A deal that paves the way for a global climate treaty.

Such a deal will satisfy the criteria for success.

Such a deal in Copenhagen will lay the foundation for food security for all.

Thank you.