New York

06 July 2015

Note to Correspondents – report of the Independent Panel of Experts dealing with the death of Dag Hammarskjöld

This is to inform correspondents that the Secretary-General has conveyed the report of the Independent Panel of Experts, which he appointed pursuant to General Assembly resolution 69/246, to the President of the General Assembly along with his own observations on the progress made and on the way forward in the search for the truth about the tragic death of the late Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjöld, and of the fifteen members of the party accompanying him.

The Secretary-General’s letter to the President as well as the transmittal letter of the Head of the Panel, the report of the Panel and its appendices have been issued in General Assembly document A/70/132 and are thus available to all Member States and to the public at large.

You can find the document at the following link: