
Resolution link Resolution Date Unofficial Description
30 July 2001

Unanimous adoption of document S/2001/741 resulting in resolution 1363 (2001)

30 July 2001

Requests the Secretary-General to establish a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the measures imposed by resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1333 (2000) - (para 3)

19 December 2000

Adoption of document S/2000/1202 (13 in favour, 2 abstentions) resulting in resolution 1333 (2000)

19 December 2000

Expands the air embargo and financial embargo to include freezing the funds of Usama Bin Laden and associates, imposes arms embargo over the territory of Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban and embargo on the chemical acetic anhydride (paras 5, 8, 10 & 11)

19 December 2000

Adoption of document S/2000/1202 (13 in favour, 2 abstentions) resulting in resolution 1333 (2000)

15 October 1999

Unanimous adoption of document S/1999/1054 resulting in resolution 1267 (1999)

15 October 1999

Establishes Security Council Committee; imposes limited air embargo and financial embargo on the Taliban (paras 4 & 6)