Group of Experts

First Name Last Name Region Nationality Region of specialization Areas of Expertise
Tymon Zielinski Eastern European States Poland - POL Specialty 1: The Global Ocean as a whole., Specialty 2: The Arctic Ocean., Specialty 3: The North Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and the North Sea. Climatology
Maria João da Anunciação Franco Bebianno Western European and Other States Portugal - PRT Specialty 3: The North Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and the North Sea.
Vasily Smolyanitsky Eastern European States Russian Federation - RUS Specialty 2: The Arctic Ocean., Specialty 8: The Southern Ocean. Physical oceanography
Karenne Phyu Phyu Tun Asia-Pacific States Singapore - SGP Specialty 7: The South Pacific Ocean.
Joshua Tiwangye Tuhumwire African States Uganda - UGA