27th & 28th Meetings (AM & PM)

Continuing Resumed Session, Non-Governmental Organizations Committee Closes Application of 1 Entity, Postpones Action on 31 Others

Continuing its resumed 2021 session, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today closed the application of one entity seeking special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and postponed action on 31 others whose applications were deferred from previous sessions.

The Committee also took note of several quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council.

The 19-member Committee considers applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  Once an application has been reviewed and approved by the Committee it is considered recommended for consultative status.  Organizations which were granted general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements, while those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items.  Organizations with roster status can only attend meetings.

Action on the applications was postponed pending responses to Committee members’ questions on matters related to the organizations’ activities, partners, expenditures and sources of funding, among other matters.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will meet again at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 8 September, to continue its resumed session.

Special Consultative Status

The Committee postponed action on the applications of the following organizations:

Gulf Centre for Human Rights Limited (Ireland) — as China’s representative asked about recommendations that emerged from the organization’s working groups;

Hestia Hellas MAKE (Greece) — as Turkey’s representative asked about the relationship between the organization at its branch registered separately in North America, notably in relation to finances;

Hokok Coalición Internacional Contra la Impunidad (Spain) — as Bahrain’s delegate requested details about its activities in 2020 and 2021, as well as about its planned activities, as its 3 February answer to the Committee’s question did not include this information;

Humanium (Switzerland) — as Cuba’s representative, noting that 35 per cent of its income derives from other NGOs, and 19 per cent from international organizations, requested the names of these entities;

IFEX (Canada) — as India’s asked for a list of countries in which it operates, and about the activities undertaken in the last two years;

Inimõiguste Instituut (Estonia) — as the Russian Federation’s delegate, referring to a 19 August response, requested details about the relationship between the organization and the Open Society Fund, notably relating to joint projects undertaken;

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (United States) — as China’s representative asked for the list of the countries that form its investor alliance;

International Action Network for Gender Equity and Law (United States) — as China’s representative requested an update on its formation of an advisory committee;

International Dalit Solidarity Network (Denmark) — as India’s delegate asked about the agenda, outcome and participants in its meetings with officials on the margins of a session of the Human Rights Council;

International Human Rights Commission La Commission Internationale des Droits de l'homme Mezinárodní komise pro lidská práva - nadační fond, ve zkrácené formě IHRC - nadační fond (Czech Republic) — as Estonia’s delegate asked about the organization’s founding documents and its working methods, which appear to reflect those of an international organization, rather than a non-governmental organization.  The representative of the Russian Federation similarly stated that the group’s 24 May reply has “put us in a deadlock”, as it cites a ministry and other competent bodies in Chad referring to the group as an intergovernmental organization.  If this is the case, the organization cannot be considered by the Committee.  He asked the Secretariat how to proceed with the application, if this is in fact the case, and whether the group’s presence has created a violation in its submission of documentation.

A Secretariat official, replying, said the fact that the file was transmitted to the Committee implies that “the basic elements were there” to state that the group is a non-governmental organization.  At this stage, the simplest way to proceed is to ask the organization what it considers to be the nature of its work, he said.  Once the reply is received, the Committee will be in a better position to judge what further action to take with regard to the group’s request.  A clarification should be sought before determining whether the group has committed a violation.

The Russian Federation’s representative then requested that the description of the group on page 2 of the application by a Government Ministry in Chad be shown on the Committee’s video screen, as it states that the group was registered as an “international diplomatic organization”.

Interregional non-governmental human rights organization "Man and Law" (Russian Federation) — as China’s delegate asked the group to indicate its partner non-governmental organizations in Central Asia;

Non c'è pace senza giustizia (Italy) — as Bahrain’s representative asked the group to provide more information about a certain affiliation;

Norwegian Church Aid (Norway) — as China’s representative, pointing to a higher expenditure than income, asked the group to explain the gap;

Panhellenic Union of Cappadocian Associations (Greece) — as Turkey’s representative asked for more information about its partners other than the research organizations that are already members of the Council;

Photographers without Borders (Canada) — as China’s delegate asked whether the organization published a biannual magazine and held an exhibition, as mentioned in response to question 5, and asked about the reasons why any of these activities might not have been carried out;

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (United States) — as Cuba’s representative noted that 97 per cent of the group’s expenditures — or $173 million — went to various projects and he asked for a breakdown of the resources used;

SKT Welfare (United Kingdom) — as China’s representative requested the names of the 12 countries in which the group operates, referenced in response to question 11;

Salam for Democracy and Human Rights (United Kingdom) — as Bahrain’s representative asked how the group covered its budget deficits in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.  She also asked that it explain why there were no charges related to office space outlined in its application, and in response to question 16, about the number of members and the fee charged to them;

Social Progress Imperative, Inc. (United States) — as Cuba’s representative posed questions about the Social Progress Index, notably related to financing;

Syrian American Medical Society Foundation (United States) — as the Russian Federation’s delegate, pointing to the group’s 27 August response, asked for detailed information about a certain project;

The Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice (Russian Federation) — as China’s delegate said the group’s 19 July response indicates that only one joint project was carried out with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, and she asked if this was indeed the only project undertaken with that group.  She also asked for a list of non-governmental organizations with which it partners;

The Center for Bioethics and Culture (United States) — as China’s representative asked about an invitation extended to the group to attend two Commission on the Status of Women meetings;

The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (United States) — as Nicaragua’s delegate asked for details about the group’s activities in her country and if it could provide a list of partners, while Cuba’s delegate, pointing to its response to question 6, asked for details about sources of information related to violations of human rights, and about how it has been able to carry out its activities if it has a deficit;

The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) (United States) — as Pakistan’s representative requested information about the group’s offices and number of employees in Asia, as well as about its participation with United Nations entities;

Treatment Action Group (United States) — as Cuba’s representative asked for details about sources of its income and about how it ensures independence from donor agencies;

Uluslararası Mülteci Hakları Derneği (Turkey) — as China’s delegate asked the group to provide more information about a project carried out in 2020;

Vang Pao Peace Institute (United States) — as China’s delegate asked about how many scholarships it provides;

Verein Euro Mea (Switzerland) — as Nicaragua’s representative asked whether the group had a website that the Committee could review to understand its activities;

Women’s Refugee Commission, Inc. (United States) — as the Russian Federation’s delegate asked for clarity on how the group guarantees its independence when 38 per cent of its income derives from the State and 62 per cent of its funds come from private institutions;

World Learning Inc. (United States) — as Cuba’s representative asked about the countries in which it is registered, operating or has offices, and about how it works in countries where it does not have a physical presence.  He also asked why the group has $1.3 million in expenditures over income; and

İslam Dünyası Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Birliği (Turkey) — as India’s representative asked about the process for nominating its members.

The Committee then closed the application of Widows for Peace through Democracy.

Quadrennial Reports

The Committee then took note of new quadrennial reports for the period 2016 to 2019 containing submissions by the following non-governmental organizations:

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.1, with the exception of Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience 2016-2019, as China’s representative requested details related to a conference organized with various Permanent Missions.  The 14 other organizations included:  Association Un Enfant Un Cartable Du Burkina Faso 2016–2019; Association des Jeunes Engagés pour l'Action Humanitaire (A.J.E.A.H.) 2016–2019; Association des étudiants tamouls de France 2016–2019; Association du Développement et de la Promotion de Droits de l'Homme 2016–2019; Association locale pour le devéloppement intégral 2016–2019; Association mauritanienne pour la promotion des droits de l'homme 2016–2019; Association nationale de promotion et de protection des droits de l'homme 2016–2019; Bureau Pour la Croissance Intégrale et la Dignité de L'enfant 2016–2019; Centro UNESCO De Donostia-San Sebastián 2016-2019; Change Human's Life 2016–2019; Compagnons D'action pour le Développement Familial 2016–2019; Coordination Francaise du Lobby Europeen des Femmes 2016–2019; East Eagle Foundation 2016–2019; and Ensemble contre la Peine de Mort 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.2, with the exception of Femme Solidaires 2016-2019, as Turkey’s representative, citing the organization’s pioneer role in the creation of tools to combat cyberviolence against women and girls, asked about the activities carried out during reporting period.  The 14 other organizations included:  FESTHES "Festival Pour la Santé" 2016–2019; Fondation Ngangambi 2016–2019; Fondation Ostad Elahi-Ethique et Solidarite Humaine 2016–2019; Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social-FOSBES ONG 2016–2019; France Volontaires 2016–2019; Fundación Lobbying Social 2016–2019; Health and Environment Program (HEP) 2016–2019; Initiative d'opposition contre les discours extrémistes 2016–2019; Jeunesse Horizon 2016–2019; Juristes pour l'enfance 2016–2019; La Manif Pour Tous 2016–2019; Le Conseil des Jeunes Congolais de l'Etranger (CJCE) 2016–2019; Les Enfants de Frankie 2016–2019; and Martial Arts Academy 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.3 (15 organizations):  Mouvement International d'Apostolate des Milieux Sociaux Independants 2016–2019; Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Réveil et le Développement 2016-2019; Ngoma Club 2016–2019; Organisation Mondiale des Experts-Conseils Arbitres 2016–2019; Organisation camerounaise pour la protection de l'arbre 2016–2019; Promotion du Développement Economique et Social-PDES 2016-2019; Regroupement des Jeunes Africains pour la Démocratie et le Développement-Section Togo 2016–2019; Réseau Unité pour le Développement de Mauritanie 2016–2019; Solidarité Agissante pour le Devéloppement Familial (SADF) 2016–2019; Stiftung Brot fuer Alle 2016–2019; Tour Opération et Initiatives 2016–2019; Tourner La Page 2016–2019; Universalis Matter 2016–2019; Vie Montante International (VMI) 2016–2019; and Vision GRAM-International 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.4 (15 organizations):  "Coup de Pousse" Chaîne de l’Espoir Nord-Sud ( C.D.P-C.E.N.S) 2016–2019; Association Saemaul Undong Burundi 2016–2019; Association pour le Développement Humain en Mauritanie 2016–2019; Center for Family Studies 2016–2019; Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine 2016–2019; Comité/Club UNESCO universitaire pour la lutte contre la drogue et les autres pandémies (CLUCOD) 2016–2019; Corps de Réflexion et de Planification pour l'Utilité Sociale (CORPUS) 2016–2019; Droit a l'energie sos futur 2016–2019; Environmental Development Action in the Third World 2016–2019; Initiative féministe euroméditerranéenne (IFE-EFI) 2016–2019; Institut Jules-Destrée 2016–2019; Ordre des Avocats a la Cour de Paris 2016–2019; Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique et de Promotion de la Cooperation Economique Internationale-OCAPROCE Internationale 2016–2019; Plateforme pour le Developpement Durable des Caraibes (PLAC 21) 2016–2019; and RESO-Femmes 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.7 (15 organizations):  Action Communautaire Femme et Enfant 2016–2019; Action pour la protection des droits de l'homme en Mauritanie 2016–2019; Action pour le Développement Humain au Congo 2016–2019; Africa Culture Internationale 2016–2019; Agence de Developpement Economique et Culturel Nord-Sud 2016–2019; Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo 2016–2019; Arab Commission for Human Rights 2016–2019; Association Bharathi Centre Culturel Franco-Tamoul 2016–2019; Association Dunenyo 2016–2019; Association Elmostakbell pour le Développement 2016–2019; Association Genèse 2016–2019; Association Internationale de la Libre Pensée 2016–2019; Association Internationale pour l'égalité des femmes 2016–2019; Association Malienne de Savoir Construire (A.M.S.C.) 2016–2019; and Association Togolaise "Femmes et SIDA" (A.T.F.S) 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/2/Add.10, with the exception of Avocats Sans Frontières 2016–2019, as Turkey’s representative asked about its contribution of a study by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).  The three other reports included:  ANAJA (L'Eternel a répondu) 2016–2019; Action Jeunesse pour le Développement 2016–2019; and Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines 2016–2019.

Turkey’s representative also raised a question about France Libertes: Fondation Danielle Mitterrand 2015–2018, the one quadrennial report contained in E/C.2/2020/2/Add.11, asking whether the group’s activities focused on specific topics.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.35, with the exception of Academic Council on the United Nations System 2016–2019, as China’s delegate asked about its contribution to a particular General Assembly high-level event.  The 14 other organizations included:  Tort for Torture Victims Centre (TT-VC) 2016–2019; Academy of Mining Sciences 2016–2019; Africa Unite 2016–2019; African Aid Organization 2016–2019; African Development Association 2016–2019; African Women's Development & Communication Network (FEMNET) 2016–2019; Agency for Health and Food Security 2016–2019; Aging Research Center 2016–2019; Alan Guttmacher Institute 2016–2019; All India Christian Council 2016–2019; Alliance for Africa Ltd/Gte 2016–2019; Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact 2016-2019; Asociación Civil Hecho por Nosotros 2016–2019; and Association Graines de Paix 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.36 (15 organizations):  Association de l'Intervention pour les Mères 2016–2019; Association des Jeunes pour l'Agriculture du Mali 2016–2019; Association for Social and Environmental Development 2016–2019; Association of Iranian Jurists Defending Human Rights 2016–2019; Association pour l'Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi 2016–2019; Associazione Bambini Senza Sbarre-ONLUS 2016–2019; Baltic Sea Forum e.V. 2016–2019; Beautiful Mind 2016–2019; Bridge To Turkiye 2016–2019; Center for International Human Rights 2016–2019; Centre for Social Research 2016–2019; Cesvi Fondazione 2016–2019; Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide 2016–2019; Chicago T.A.S.C. Inc. 2016–2019; and Children of China Pediatrics Foundation (PSC) 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.37 (15 organizations):  Christian Associations of Italian Laborers (USA) Inc. (ACLI) 2016–2019; Christian Conference of Asia 2016–2019; College of the Atlantic 2016–2019; Corporación Excelencia en la Justicia 2016–2019; Covenant International University and Seminary Inc 2016–2019; Dayemi Foundation 2016–2019; Development and Relief Foundation 2016–2019; Earth Charter Associates Ltd. 2016–2019; Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women 2016–2019; Environic Foundation International 2016–2019; FORUT Solidaritetsaksjon for Utvikling 2016–2019; Federacion Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales-FELGT/Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual State Federation 2016–2019; Federacion de Asociaciones de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos 2016–2019; Fondazione GEM 2016–2019; and Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone-Foundation Giovanni e Francesca Falcone 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.39 (15 organizations):  Housing Works Inc 2016–2019; ICW Global Comunidad Internacional de Mujeres viviendo con VIH-SIDA., Asociación Civil 2016–2019; IDP Foundation, Inc. 2016–2019; IRESC International Radio Emergency Support Coalition 2016–2019; Ideosync Media Combine 2016–2019; Impact for Change and Development Limited by Guarantee 2016–2019; Indian Development Foundation 2016–2019; Institute for Multicultural Communications Cooperation and Development, Inc. 2016–2019; Institute for the Development in Education, Arts and Leisure 2016–2019; Institute of International Social Development 2016–2019; Institute of Social Studies Trust 2016–2019; Instituto Igarapé 2016–2019; Inter-American Statistical Institute 2016–2019; Intercambios Asociación Civil 2016–2019; and Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.69 (15 organizations):  Partnership for Human Rights 2016–2019; Partnership for Justice Ltd/Gte 2016–2019; Peace Education Foundation 2016–2019; Peace Parks Foundation 2016–2019; Population Connection 2016–2019; Population Council 2016–2019; Public Health Institute 2016–2019; Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society 2016–2019; Relief International 2016–2019; Research Centre for Feminist Action (Centro de Investigacion Para la Accion Femenina) (CIPAF) 2016–2019; Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada 2016–2019; Shoq Te Ndryshem & Te Barabarte 2016–2019; Sino-American Cultural Council, Inc. 2016–2019; Sister to Sister International 2016–2019; and Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.70 (15 organizations):  Al Manarah-Association for Arab Persons with Disabilities 2016–2019; Apne Aap Women World Wide (India) Trust 2016–2019; Arab Penal Reform Organization 2016–2019; Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc. 2016–2019; Chabad-International Jewish Educational and Cultural Network 2016–2019; Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches 2016–2019; Congress of Aboriginal Peoples 2016–2019; VR Foundation, Inc. 2016–2019; Voice of Change International 2016–2019; World Association for Supported Employment 2016–2019; World Vision International 2016–2019; World Wide Web Foundation 2016–2019; Young Professionals Forum 2016–2019; Yugoslav Youth Association Against AIDS-Youth of JAZAS 2016–2019; and Zaka Rescue and Recovery 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.71, with the exception of International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, as Cuba’s representative asked for a list of the new organizations that have been added to its membership.  The 14 other organizations included:  Digital Opportunity Trust 2016–2019; Earth Day Network, Inc. 2016–2019; Fundación BBVA para las Microfinanzas 2016–2019; Global Health Foundation 2016–2019; International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals 2016–2019; International Organization for Victim Assistance 2016–2019; International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims 2016–2019; Nature Conservancy 2016–2019; Partnership for Indigenous Peoples Environment 2016–2019; Profugo 2016–2019; Réseau Européen pour l'Égalité des Langues 2016–2019; Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child 2016–2019; The Peacemaker Corps Foundation 2016–2019; and VDE Prüf-und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.72 (16 organizations):  Ariel Foundation International 2016–2019; Association for the Prevention of Torture 2016–2019; Carter Center, Inc., 2016–2019; Dutch Council for Refugees/VluchtelingenWerk Nederland 2016–2019; Isät lasten asialla ry 2016–2019; Nigeria Model United Nations Society 2016–2019; Public Fund "Medialife" 2016–2019; Rural Development Organization 2016–2019; Smile Foundation 2016–2019; Vikash 2016–2019; Wild Migration Limited 2016–2019; Women and Children First UK 2016–2019; World Childhood Foundation Inc. 2016–2019; World Space Week Association 2016–2019; Youth Organisations for Drug Action 2016–2019; and Youth Service America 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.73 (15 organizations):  Fondazione Rosselli 2016–2019; Food & Water Watch 2016–2019; Foundation ECPAT International (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes) 2016–2019; Foundation for Human Horizon 2016–2019; Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief 2016–2019; Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research 2016–2019; Fundacion Instituto Psicopedagogico Uruguayo 2016–2019; Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association 2016–2019; General Research Institute on the Convention on the Rights of the Child 2016–2019; Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2016–2019; Global Eco-Village Network 2016–2019; Global Policy Forum 2016–2019; Globe Aware 2016–2019; Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. 2016–2019; and Hong Kong Federation of Women 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.74 (15 organizations):  Stichting Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies 2016–2019; Stichting Global Reporting Initiative 2016–2019; Stichting HealthNet International-Transcultural Psychosocial Organization 2016–2019; Stichting International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service 2016–2019; Stichting Soham Baba Mission 2016–2019; Sveriges Kvinnolobby 2016–2019; Swisscontact, Schweizerische Stiftung für technische Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit 2016–2019; The Bread of Life Development Foundation 2016-2019; The Salamander Trust 2016–2019; The Sasakawa Peace Foundation 2016–2019; Tlachinollan; Grupo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indios de la Montaña 2016–2019; Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA Foundation) 2016–2019; UMUT Foundation 2016–2019; Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice et Officiers Judiciaires 2016–2019; and Unnayan Onneshan 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.75 (15 organizations, 2015-2018):  Abantu for Development (People for Development) 2015–2018; African British Returnees International Ltd 2015–2018; Asociación de Federaciones y Asociaciones de Empresarias del Mediterráneo 2015–2018; Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) 2015–2018; Association of Global South Studies (AGSS) 2015–2018; Association of World Reindeer Herders 2015–2018; Athletes United for Peace 2015–2018; Belgrade Centre for Human Rights 2015–2018; CITYNET-Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements 2015–2018; China Green Foundation 2015–2018; Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America-CADCA 2015–2018; Confederación Latinoamericana De Cooperativas De Ahorro Y Crédito 2015–2018; Council for International Development 2015–2018; Covenant House 2015–2018; and David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies 2015–2018.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.76 (15 organizations, 2015-2018): Euromontana (European Association for Mountain Areas) 2015–2018; Global Action on Aging 2015–2018; Inter-Press Service International Association 2015–2018; International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing 2015–2018; International Confederation for Family Support 2015–2018; International Federation for Housing and Planning 2015–2018; International Institute of Humanitarian Law 2015–2018; International Muslim Women's Union 2015–2018; International Planned Parenthood Federation, East and Southeast Asia and Oceania Region (IPPF ESEAOR) 2015–2018; International Thai Foundation Ltd 2015–2018; International Veterinary Students Association (Ivsa) 2015–2018; Islamic Human Rights Commission 2015–2018;  Korea Green Foundation 2015–2018; Life Ethics Educational Association 2015–2018; and Muhammadiyah Association 2015–2018.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.77 (17 organizations, 2015-2018):  National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund 2015–2018; National Union of the Association of Protection of Motherhood, Childhood and Families 2015–2018; Organizzazione Mondiale Degli Agricoltori 2015–2018; Prison Fellowship International 2015–2018; SODALITAS, Association for the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Civil Society 2015–2018; Simon Wiesenthal Center 2015–2018; Sonke Gender Justice Network 2015–2018; Transparency International 2015–2018; Trennungsväter e.V. 2015–2018; Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation 2015–2018; Victim Support Europe 2015–2018; Victorious Youths Movement 2015–2018; Wash United gGmbh 2015–2018; Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center 2015–2018; World Conference of Religions for Peace 2015–2018; World Futures Studies Federation 2015–2018; and Worldwide Organization for Women 2015–2018.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.78 (1 organization):  Bunyad Literacy Community Council 2015–2018.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.79 (6 organizations): Days for Girls International 2016–2019; Frontline AIDS LTD. 2016–2019; Kindernothilfe, Help for Children in Need 2016–2019; Mother Child Education Foundation 2016–2019; Profesionales por la Ética 2016–2019; and World Veterans Federation 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.80 (15 organizations):  International Association for Media and Communication Research 2016–2019; International Association of Penal Law 2016–2019; International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care 2016–2019; International Council on Alcohol and Addictions 2016–2019; International Council on Social Welfare 2016–2019; International Electrotechnical Commission 2016–2019; International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations 2016–2019; International Lactation Consultant Association 2016–2019; International Organization for Promoting Public Diplomacy, Science, Education and Youth Cooperation “Eurasian Commonwealth” 2016–2019; International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) 2016–2019; Islamic Women's Institute of Iran 2016–2019; Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children 2016–2019; LDC Watch 2016–2019; Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped, The 2016–2019; and Luxembourg Income Study 2016–2019.

E/C.2/2021/CRP.81, with the exception of Minority Rights Group, as China’s representative asked the entity to provide a list of countries with which it worked during the reporting period.  The 14 other organizations included:  Manavata 2016–2019; Match International Centre 2016–2019; Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Organisation 2016–2019; NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland 2016–2019; NGO Sustainability, Inc. 2016–2019; National Council of Women in Great Britain 2016–2019; New Generation in Action 2016–2019; Norwegian Refugee Council 2016–2019; O.N.G. ACHE Internacional 2016–2019; ODHIKAR-Coalition for Human Rights 2016–2019; Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, Asociación Civil 2016–2019; Open Data Watch, Inc. 2016–2019; Organisation Technique européenne du Pneumatique et de la Jante ADF 2016–2019; and PFI Foundation 2016–2019.

The Committee then took note of several quadrennial reports contained in document E/C.2/2021/CRP.42, including those of the Association of War-Affected Women (2015–2018), Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir (2009–2012), and the Center for Development of Civil Society (2014–2017).

Exceptions included the reports of:  Access Now (2016–2019) — as China’s representative requested information about the group’s support to national civil society actors from the global South;

Advocates for Human Right (2016–2019) — as China’s representative asked the group to elaborate on its contribution to a Commission on the Status of Women event;

Amnesty International (2008–2011) — as China’s representative requested details on its cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other partnerships;

Amnesty International (2012–2015) — as China’s representative asked about steps taken to ensure the accuracy of its research;

Amnesty International (2016–2019) — as China’s representative asked about its contribution to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in April 2017;

Armenian Assembly of America (2007–2010) — as Turkey’s representative asked about its involvement in a coalition;

Armenian Assembly of America (2011–2014) — as Turkey’s representative asked about its participation in the monthly meetings of a psychology coalition;

Armenian Assembly of America (2015–2018) — as Turkey’s representative enquired about its contribution to the NGO Committee on education, learning and literacy and to the work of the United Nations;

CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation (2016–2019) — as China’s representative asked for the names, themes and participants at a side event to a Human Right Council session, and, more generally, about its contributions to the Human Rights Council;

Committee to Protect Journalists, Inc. (2016–2019) — as China’s representative asked about its work with the Secretary-General on the protection of journalists;

Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans (2016–2019) — as Turkey’s representative asked about its advocacy efforts to protect monuments in various regions within the reporting period;

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (2010–2013) — as Turkey’s representative asked about its cooperation with national, regional and international organizations; and

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (2014–2017), as Turkey’s representative asked about its activities as a coalition of an Arabic movement.

For information media. Not an official record.