
At Ministerial Meeting on Mali Peace Process, Deputy Secretary-General Underlines Importance of Reform in Implementing Agreement, Respect for Ceasefire

Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson’s remarks at the ministerial consultative meeting on the Malian peace process, in New York today:

C’est un grand honneur pour moi de participer à cette réunion consacrée au processus de paix au Mali. La présence d’un nombre aussi important de responsables d’haut  niveau témoigne de l’ampleur de l’attachement de la communauté internationale à la paix et la stabilité dans ce pays.

Je peux personnellement témoigner du dévouement du Président Ibrahim Boubacar Keita à la cause de la paix au Mali.  Je viens de parler avec le Président Keita au téléphone.  Il voulait présenter ses excuses pour son absence due à la tragédie survenue durant le hajj en Arabie Saoudite.  Lors de notre dernière rencontre à Johannesburg en juin en marge du Sommet de l’Union africaine, il a promis de tout mettre en œuvre pour encourager l’ensemble des parties, et en particulier la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA), à ratifier l’Accord pour la paix et la réconciliation au Mali.

Je tiens à remercier le Président pour avoir tenu sa promesse et d’avoir pris les mesures de confiance avalisées par le Gouvernement en faveur du retour de la paix au Mali.

Je tiens également à saluer l’engagement historique des mouvements politico-militaires, notamment la CMA et la Plateforme qui, en adhérant à l’Accord pour la paix, et la réconciliation, ont ainsi posé les jalons du retour à une paix durable dans les régions du nord.

Cet accord est l’aboutissement d’un long processus.  Je peux témoigner de l’engagement constant des acteurs régionaux.  En octobre 2012, j’ai présidé, à Bamako, l’une des toutes premières réunions du Groupe de soutien et de suivi sur la situation au Mali, en compagnie de la Présidente de la Commission de l’Union africaine et du Président de la Commission de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Le Mali a enregistré des progrès considérables, principalement grâce à la détermination du peuple malien, qui est resté fidèle, malgré les épreuves, à ses valeurs de tolérance et de dignité.  

But, let us recall, that peace is also built with the support of friends and neighbours.  Here, I would like to salute the tireless commitment of my friend, the Minister of State and Minister for Foreign Affairs Ramtane Lamamra, who, in his role of representing the lead country of the Mediation, Algeria, has spared no effort to reach this Agreement.

I also pay tribute to other architects of this Agreement, including the African Union through its Special Representative for Mali and the Sahel, President Buyoya, as well as representatives of ECOWAS [Economic Community Of West African States] and the European Union.  This process led to the signing of the Agreement, which further underscores our collective responsibility to support its full and inclusive implementation.

The United Nations, particularly MINUSMA [United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali] and the Secretary-General’s Special Representative, Mongi Hamdi, remain determined to actively support the process and its related mechanisms.

We condemn that recently, a series of offensive actions involving at various times the Platform and the CMA have caused delays in implementing the Agreement.  This ministerial meeting must send a strong message to the signatory parties, particularly to the political-military movements.  They must renounce all actions which violate the Agreement and the ceasefire.  They must also commit to resolving their differences through the mechanisms envisaged in the Agreement and implement its provisions related to defence and security.

It is equally important that the Government carries out the institutional reforms envisaged in the Agreement.  This will strengthen the confidence of the signatory parties and the northern communities in the peace process.

The protection of human rights and the fight against impunity are also critical for restoring public confidence in State institutions.  It is also essential that the Agreement’s follow-up mechanisms become more open to representation by women.  We hope the partners of Mali who will participate in the Conference on Development for Mali organized in Paris by the OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] on 22 October will commit to provide more support to the recovery and development in the north.

I would like to pay tribute to the important efforts of MINUSMA and the United Nations country team to quickly generate peace dividends for the Malian population.  I often stress the undeniable links between peace and security, development and human rights.  I would like the combination of our actions in the coming months to strength these three factors for the Malian people and in the interest of the subregion.

Indeed, the Sahel region’s challenges remain many and multifaceted.  As you know, hundreds of Malian migrants have died since the beginning of the year in search for a refuge on the northern banks of the Mediterranean Sea.  We cannot be indifferent in the face of this distress and the increasingly powerful networks of narco-traffickers, human smugglers and terrorist groups which operate in the Sahel.  The United Nations will continue to engage the countries of the Sahel in pursuing a coherent strategy on the region’s security, humanitarian and development issues.

I would like to reaffirm that MINUSMA will continue to carry out its mandate in support of the Agreement and to ensure the protection of civilians.  I thank

the troop- and police-contributing countries.  Their nationals are serving under difficult conditions and at supreme human cost in far too many numbers in support of peace and stability in Mali.  I thank you and offer the Secretary-General’s deep condolences for your losses.

I also would like to commend the essential role played by the French Force Barkhane in support of MINUSMA and to neutralize those groups that threaten the sustainability of the peace process and the stability of the region.

Mesdames et messieurs, tous les participants ici présents doivent être à la hauteur des attentes et honorer la confiance que le peuple malien a placée en nous. 

Je tiens à vous dire de nouveau que l’Organisation des Nations Unies est déterminée à œuvrer à vos côtés pour rattraper le temps perdu ces derniers mois et progresser dans l’application de l’Accord. Je suis résolument attaché à sa mise en œuvre.  Je vous remercie.

For information media. Not an official record.