New York – October 9, 2014

Distinguished Delegates,

As you may recall, the 29th Special Session of the General Assembly on the Follow-up to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014, was held on 22 September 2014 in accordance with resolutions 65/234 of 22 December 2010 and 67/250 of 21 February 2013.

It was brought to my attention that that many Member States were not able to deliver their statements at this special session. I wish to convey my understanding of the discontent by delegations that were unable to deliver their statements within the designated time frame at this important gathering.

The Secretariat is fully aware of the concerns raised by delegations and it is indeed regrettable that a large number of Member States were unable to speak at the meeting.

In light of what happened, I convened this plenary meeting today, under sub-item (b) of agenda item 13 (Follow-up to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development) earlier than scheduled, in order to provide an additional opportunity for Member States, to further deliberate on this topic and also have their statements go on the record.

I thank you.