15 November 2022


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We were told many times that this is “the implementation COP”. I’m very glad. 

This is the moment to bridge the gaps between pledges and their fulfilment. 

Pledges to reduce emissions, to improve adaptation measures, to repair loss and damage, and pledges to increase financing – all need to be put into action. 

Plus, this is “the water COP”.

Let me express my high appreciation to Egypt’s COP Presidency for highlighting these critical ties between water and climate. 


The motto of the 77th session of the General Assembly is “Solutions through solidarity, sustainability and science”. 

I firmly believe that our thinking, our initiatives and our actions must all be guided by science-based evidence. 

Just a few weeks ago in New York, I held a stakeholder consultation attended by over 1,200 scientists, civil society organizations, youth representatives, and many others. 

Out of these discussions emerged the so-called “game-changers” which have the potential to transform current policies and sustainable development as a whole. 

Thanks to science, we have now the toolkit for turning our commitments into reality. 

And we have now the path from this COP with the UN Water Conference in March, the Sendai Midterm Review, the SDG Summit in 2023, as well as the Summit of the Future in 2024. 

Let’s ask ourselves. When this conference ends, will this glass be half full or half empty? 

The glass will be full when we fulfil our pledges and use the solutions we already have.

At this COP, we have already two initiatives which are very important to fill this glass: the FAST initiative and AWARE initiative.

This glass will be full when we overcome procedure debates and can fully focus on how to address transformation to a water and climate safe development path.

So let it be a full glass.   

Thank you