– As delivered –

Statement by H.E. Mrs. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly

18 March 2019


Distinguished co-facilitators, Ambassador Maria Helena Lopes De Jesus Pires, Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Ambassador Marie Chatardová, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to address the first meeting of the intergovernmental process aimed at enhancing synergies and coherence and reducing overlap where it is found to exist in the agendas of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and their subsidiary bodies, as well as the High-Level Political Forum and other related forums in light of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

I would like, at the outset, to thank the Co-Facilitators of the process, Ambassador Lopes De Jesus Pires of Timor Leste and Ambassador Chatardová of the Czech Republic for their commitment since the very first day of their appointment. I am confident that by extending your full support to them throughout this process, we will certainly make the needed progress.

I would like also to seize this opportunity to pay special tribute to Ambassador Rhonda King of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Ambassador Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve of Belgium for their leadership on this matter during the previous session of the General Assembly.


It is regrettable to recognize that despite all efforts of facilitators as well as of Member States, during the last three years, we have failed to deliver on this important matter and further improve the way we do business at the United Nations.

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development constitutes, without doubt, one of those seminal moments of multilateralism we can all be proud of.

Our contribution to the successful implementation of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals would depend on the way we use our limited resources and time to ensure adequate strategic direction and guidance at the global level. 

Member States were convinced that the current agendas of the GA, ECOSOC and their subsidiary bodies did not reflect the structure and the spirit of the 2030 Agenda when they decided to launch a process to ensure the needed alignment of agendas, immediately after its adoption.

The ultimate objective of this process was and still remains to reduce overlaps and duplications while covering existing gaps. An important aspect of alignment is to ensure appropriate clustering of the issues on the agendas of relevant UN bodies in a manner that would increase the impact of the work related to the implementation of the SDGs.

Dear Colleagues,

As mandated by General Assembly Resolution 72/313 on the revitalization of the General Assembly, in particular its paragraphs 29, 30 and 31, I have endeavored since the beginning of the session to ensure the broadest consultation possible with Member States and the President of ECOSOC, but also through convening the General Committee.

I was encouraged by the engagement of Member States at the joint briefing I convened with the President of ECOSOC late January, which addressed the alignment process. Your insightful contributions and comments, contained in the summary shared with all Member States, could constitute a relevant input to your deliberations.

We also need to build on the work contained in the Report on the strategic alignment of future sessions of the Assembly, prepared during the 70th session of the GA and which is referred to in resolution 72/133. Recommendations identified during the two previous sessions – 71st and 72nd – also constitute additional basis for discussion.

Dear Friends,

It is reassuring that all these meetings and discussions have shown broad agreement among Member States on the need to ensure better complementarity and coherence of the agendas of the GA and ECOSOC, and their subsidiary bodies with the 2030 Agenda. Where we still need to make progress is when it comes to the way to achieve this common objective.

There is a clear need to rationalize the agendas of the General Assembly and ECOSOC to establish synergies in their respective work and promote complementarity, while keeping in mind the different respective mandates of these various bodies, contained in the UN Charter as well as other relevant resolutions.

We need to engage in an in-depth analysis of existing agendas as well as the growth of resolutions in order to address duplication through practical solutions.  As we do this, we need to ensure that the substantive topics contained in existing agenda items are safeguarded. And in some cases, where appropriate, we may need new agenda items in order to respond in a comprehensive and balanced way to the follow up and review of all Sustainable Development Goals and their targets. 

The role of the Main Committees of the General Assembly, in particular, Second and Third Committees, cannot be overemphasized. Chairs of these Committees could discuss with Bureau members as well as the wider membership appropriate measures that contribute to the alignment of agendas, and ultimately to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

I would like, in this context, recognize the work being undertaken by some Committees to make their due contribution in mapping out areas for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

We need to build on the shared agreement among delegations to further streamline our agenda and dedicate more time for dialogue as well as the review of the implementation of the resolutions we adopt.

We need to engage in an in-depth analysis of existing agendas as well as the growth of resolutions in order to address duplication through practical solutions.  As we do this, we need to ensure that the substantive topics contained in existing agenda items are safeguarded. And in some cases, where appropriate, we may need new agenda items in order to respond in a comprehensive and balanced way to the follow up and review of all Sustainable Development Goals and their targets. 

María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés

President of the UN General Assembly


During the current session, we must focus our efforts to identify a comprehensive methodology that defines what are possible gaps and duplications as well as the best ways to address them. We need also to agree on a realistic timeframe to achieving this goal, if we want to stay relevant for the people we serve.

It is our common responsibility to create stronger trust among the membership and make the needed progress for this process, which should remain inclusive and Member State-driven. We cannot afford to lose further time and resources, which should rather be dedicated to discussing how to achieve the 2030 Agenda within the timeframe.

We need to build on the existing momentum, including the upcoming SDGs Summit, as well as the preparations for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which could constitute a timely occasion to implement these critical changes.

I thank you for your attention.