Ceremony of the Raising of the Flag of the State of Palestine

Remarks by Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the General Assembly, at the Ceremony of the raising the Flag of the State of Palestine

30  September 2015


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Your Excellency, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, Mr. Secretary-General, Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon to you all.

Some weeks ago, the General Assembly adopted the Resolution authorizing the raising of the flags of Non-Member Observer States at UN headquarters and offices.

Today, we implement the wish of the General Assembly by raising the flag of the State of Palestine. President Abbas, congratulations to you and to the Palestinian people.

This is an additional acknowledgment of the contribution which Non-Member Observer States make to the work of the UN General Assembly and which the Palestinian people make to addressing our common challenges. I am pleased that on your way to our sessions you will now experience the same inspiring sentiment that we all do when we see our colours flying at UN  Headquarters.

But on this day, we are of course keenly aware of the urgent need for real improvements on the ground and a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – one that fulfils the vision of an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security with Israel.

We recall also that the General Assembly has stressed  the permanent responsibility of the United Nations towards the question of Palestine until it is satisfactorily resolved in all its aspects.

Ladies and gentlemen, in this beautiful Rose Garden, we are surrounded by symbols; symbols that signify the pain caused by conflict, indifference and division; symbols that remind us of the ideals of peace, unity and human rights.

As we leave, let us remember these symbols and renew our energy and our commitment to dialogue, tolerance and to lasting peace among nations.

Thank you.

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