The  training center for young people in Madagascar.

Photo: The training center for young people in Madagascar. Marcel Crozet / ILO

LDC National Focal Points

A network of National Focal Points (NFPs) of LDCs was established by OHRLLS after the adoption of the Brussels Programme of Action for LDCs in 2001.  

The aim of the network is to facilitate and coordinate effective implementation of the Programme of Action for LDCs at the national level. It also aims at building coherence between the implementation and review of the Programmes of Action and other global processes, including the Sustainable Development Goals.  

Nominated by LDCs themselves, National Focal Points are senior government representatives from line ministries that oversee their national development strategies. The platform provides an opportunity for Member States to share national experiences and lessons learned and identify emerging challenges and ways forward.  

Over the years, the National Focal Points network has become a valuable conduit for OHRLLS to engage with LDCs and solicit their direct feedback on the programme of work. 

National Focal Points meet annually to discuss progress towards the national-level implementation and monitoring of the Programme of Action. The annual meeting of NFPs also draws participation from relevant UN agencies, regional commissions and development partners.  

The annual discussion helps OHRLLS, development partners and other implementing agencies to ascertain the status of implementation of the Programme of Action, and tailor programmes and capacity building activities in support LDCs’ development agendas.