The Role of the Legal Adviser


List of Literature


Bilder, Richard B.

The Office of the Legal Adviser: The State Department Lawyer and Foreign Affairs. In: American Journal of International Law, Vol. 56, 1962: 633-684.

International Law and United States Foreign Policy: Some Reflections on the ASIL/ILA Report on the Role of the Legal Adviser. In: Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Vol. 1 Spring 1991: 201-208.

Collections of Essays

Collection of Essays by Legal Advisers of States, Legal Advisers of International Organization and Practitioners in the Field of International Law. United Nations, New York, 1999, 523 p.

The International Lawyer as Practitioner, Ed. by Chanaka Wickremasinghe.  The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 2000, 184 p.

Corell, Hans

Legal Advisers Meet at U.N. Headquarters in New York. In: American Journal of International Law. Vol. 85 No. 2 April 1991: 371-373.

Second Legal Advisers' Meeting at UN Headquarters in New York. In: Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 61, 1992: 3-6.

Third Legal Advisers' Meeting at UN Headquarters in New York. In: American Journal of International Law, Vol. 87 No. 2 April 1993: 323-328.

Cooperation Among Legal Advisers on Public International Law. In: Essays on International Law, Asian-African Consultative Committee, Fortieth Anniversary Commemorative Volume, New Delhi 1997. Also in Collection of Essays (see above).

Crook, John R.

Practicing International Law for the United States. In: Florida State University Journal of Transnational Law & Policy. Vol. 6 No. 1 Fall 1996.

Gonzáles Félix, Miguel Angel

Fifth Legal Advisers' Meeting at U.N. Headquarters in New York. In: American Journal of International Law, Vol. 89 No. 3 July 1995: 644-649.

Guillaume, Gilbert

Droit international et action diplomatique - Le cas de la France. In: European Journal of International Law. Vol. 2 No. 1 1991: 136-147.

Krafft, Mathias

L'attitude de la Suisse à l'égard du droit international. In: European Journal of International Law. Vol. 2 No. 1 1991: 148-156.

MacDonald, R. St. J.

The Role of Legal Adviser of Ministries of Foreign Affairs. In: Recueil des Cours (Hague Academy of International Law) 1977-III: 377-482. This writing contains many references which are not included in this list.

Magnuson, Lars

Seventh Legal Advisers' Meeting at U.N. Headquarters in New York. In Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 66, 1997: 393-399.


Martínez Caro, Santiago

La función asesora jurídico-diplomática.  In: Revista Española de Derecho International, vol. XXI, num. 3, 1968: 499-513.

Mawhinney, Barry and Girtel, Kim

Fourth Legal Advisers' Meeting at U.N. Headquarters in New York. In: American Journal of International Law. Vol. 88 No. 2, April 1994: 379-382.

Merillat, H.C.L. (ed)

Legal Advisers and Foreign Affairs. Dobbs Ferry, New York, Oceana, 1964, 162 p. (Contains background papers from Canada, Colombia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, The Philippines, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom and United States of America).

Legal Advisers and International Organizations. Dobbs Ferry, New York, Oceana, 1966, 124 p.

Pérez Giralda, Aurelio

La asesoría jurídica internacional de gobiernos desde la función pública.  In:  Iniciación a la práctica en Derecho international y Derecho communitario europeo. Carlos Jiménez Piernas (ed.). Universidad de Alcalá / Marcial Pons, Madrid / Barcelona, 2003: 507-533.


Rao, P.S.

Sixth Legal Advisers' Meeting at U.N. Headquarters in New York. In: Indian Journal of International Law. Vol. 36 No. 4 October-December 1996: 75-79.

Sapiro, Miriam

Advising the United States Government on International Law. In: NYU Journal of International Law and Politics. Spring 1995. Vol. 27 No. 3:619-623.

Schwebel, Stephen M.

Remarks on the Role of the Legal Advisor of the US State Department. In: European Journal of International Law. Vol. 2 No. 1 1991: 132-135.

Sinclair, Sir Ian

The Practice of International Law: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In: International Law: Teaching and Practice, Ed. by Bin Cheng. Stevens & Sons, London, 1982: 123-134.

Watts, Arthur D.

International Law and International Relations: United Kingdom Practice. In: European Journal of International Law, Vol. 2 No. 1 1991: 157-164.

Williamson, Edwin D.

International Law and the Role of the Legal Adviser in the Persian Gulf Crisis. In: NYU Journal of International Law and Politics. Winter 1991. Vol. 23 No. 2: 361-371.

Yachi, Shotaro

The Role of the Treaties Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan's Foreign Policy Decision-Making Process. In: The Japanese Annual of International Law. No. 31 1988: 82-93.

The Role of the Legal Adviser of the Department of State

A Report of the Joint Committee Established by the American Society of International Law and the American Branch of the International Law Association. In: American Journal of International Law. Vol. 85 No. 2 April 1991: 358-373.

Updated by Hans Corell, the Legal Counsel of the United Nations from 6 March 1994 to 14 March 2004, on 2 January 2004