United Nations pilot project for social cohesion, conflict prevention, violence reduction and human security in support to youth of the Central African Republic

Duration: March 2017– October 2019
Budget: US$4,369,598 (UNTFHS: $2,079,095; Pooled Funding: $2,290,503)
Implementing Agencies: UNDP, FAO, IOM, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women

With a view towards bridging the gap between immediate humanitarian relief and longer-term recovery, the programme improved the delivery of and access to basic social services, supported the reintegration of youth, and empowered communities to build a culture of peaceful coexistence and social stability. While the security context was challenging, each component of the programme focused on direct community participation through local development committees to help ensure local capacity and leadership, thereby providing a foundation on which sustainable peace and development can be built moving forward.

Programme Summary