Empowering Communities with Better Livelihoods and Social Protection

Duration: June 2013– June 2015
Budget: US$3,940,894 (UNTFHS: $1,957,412; Pooled Funding: $1,983,482)
Implementing Agencies: UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNWOMEN, WFP

​Once a thriving agricultural zone, the people of Tajikistan’s Rasht Valley face a number of insecurities that together impact their daily survival, livelihood and dignity. Among these, deterioration of the agricultural infrastructure following the political transition and conflict in the 1990s has led to a dramatic reduction in the region’s productivity and food security. In addition, prospects for economic revitalization and investment in infrastructure are often curtailed by persistent outbreaks of localized conflict and the impact of instability in neighbouring Afghanistan. ​

The programme contributes to the regeneration of the Rasht Valley by addressing economic, food, health, environmental and personal security needs across five of the region’s most vulnerable districts. This is to be achieved by (i) improving food and economic security through restoring and rebuilding livelihoods and diversifying the region’s agricultural and economic base; (ii) reducing the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters through strengthened land management practices and improved access to water, irrigation, pasture and energy; (iii) improving access to health care and safeguarding personal security by empowering female-headed households through legal support and ensuring the registration of all births and marriages; and (iv) providing opportunities for children to attend school beyond primary classes.

Programme Summary
Success Story: “All Paths Lead to the School” – and Its Charismatic Director
Success Story: Together Women Can Change the World Around Them
Success Story: From Housewife to a Promising Beekeeper
Success Story: Improving Access to Education in Rural Areas
Leaflet: Empowering Rural Communities in Rasht Valley