Building a Better Future for Citizens of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Obiliq/Obilić: Participation, Protection, and Multi-Ethnic Partnerships for Improved Education, Health and Sustainable Livelihoods

Duration: October 2012– December 2015
Budget: US$2,737,060 (UNTFHS: $1,493,078; Pooled Funding: $1,243,982)
Implementing Agencies: UNDP (lead), UNV, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO

More than twenty years after the breakup of former Yugoslavia, Kosovo struggles to transition to greater peace, development and human rights. Today, Kosovans of all ethnicities endure some of the worst poverty in Europe. The combination of acute poverty and poor governance, coupled with inter-ethnic tensions, have resulted in a vicious cycle that limits the aspirations of all Kosovans to be free from want, fear and a life lived in dignity.

The programme aims to reduce inter-ethnic tensions and reverse the socio-economic decline in the municipalities of Fushë Kosovë /Kosovo Polje and Obiliq/Obilić. To this end, the programme is tackling three of the region’s most critical challenges by (i) stimulating economic opportunities for those excluded from the labour market; (ii) improving the health prospects of those at risk due to environmental hazards and unhealthy lifestyles; and (iii) engaging communities and institutions in participatory and inclusive governance systems.

Programme Summary
Beneficiary Stories “Building a Better Future for Citizens of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Obiliq/Oblilc: Participation, Protection and Multiethnic Partnerships for Improvement of Education Health and Sustainable Livelihoods”