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United Nations
Index to Economic and Social Development
Environment, Natural resources, Energy
UN Alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture
United Nations Development Programme
brief document about the programme
UN Community environmental monitoring
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Conserve and improve the management of Africa's indigenous plant resources
UNU Institute on Natural Resources in Africa
no web site available
UN Contraceptive requirements and logistics management needs
United Nations Population Fund
section of the 1997 annual report on the programme
UN Develop profitable, small-scale mining technologies and processes that add value to Africa's mineral resources
UNU Institute on Natural Resources in Africa
no web site available
UN Disaster control training programme
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
no web site available
UN Eco-restructuring for sustainable development
UNU Institute of Advanced Studies
subprogramme web site
UN Economic and social affairs
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
programme web site
UN Economic and social affairs: Combating desertification, particularly in Africa
Interim Secretariat for the Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought
secretariat home page
UN Economic and social affairs: Sustainable development
subprogramme web site
UN Ecosystem analysis
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Emergency operations
World Food Programme
weekly emergency reports
UN Energy
Economic Commission for Europe
division web site
UN Environment
Economic Commission for Europe
Revised Programme of Work (1996-1998)
UN Environment
United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP web site
UN Environment
Economic Commission for Europe
Revised Programme of Work (1996-1998)
UN Environment: A better environment for human health and well-being
United Nations Environment Programme
subprogramme web site
UN Environment: Global and regional servicing and support
United Nations Environment Programme
subprogramme web site
UN Environment: Sustainable management and use of natural resources
United Nations Environment Programme
subprogramme web site
UN Environment: Sustainable production and consumption
United Nations Environment Programme
Industry and Environment web site
UN Environment and sustainable development
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
division web page
UN Environmental and land resource sustainability
Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
description of programme
UN Environmental protection
United Nations Development Programme
programme web site
UN Environmental technology
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Human settlements: Environment and infrastructure
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
brief description of the programme
UN Humanitarian assistance
Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator
document about the programme
UN Humanitarian assistance: Complex emergencies
Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator
document about the programme
UN Humanitarian assistance: Disaster relief
Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator
document about the programme
UN Humanitarian assistance: Humanitarian emergency information
Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator
document about the programme
UN Humanitarian assistance: Natural disaster reduction
Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator and UNDP
document about the programme
UN Information management and communication technologies
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
programme web site
UN Information management and communication technologies: Desertification information systems
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
subprogramme web page
UN Information management and communication technologies: Disaster prevention and management information systems
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
document about the programme
UN Information management and communication technologies: Environmental information and monitoring systems on internet
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
subprogramme web page
UN International growth issues
UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research
description of the programme
UN Management of natural resources and environment
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
subprogramme details; see also for information on the implementing division
UN Marine, coastal and estuarine systems
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Multilateralism and governance
UNU Institute of Advanced Studies
subprogramme web page
UN National and transnational crime, economic crime including money laundering, and the role of criminal law in the protection of the environment
United Nations International Crime Research Institute
document on the Anti-corruption strategies component of the programme
UN Poverty eradication: Sustainable livelihoods
United Nations Development Programme
programme web site
UN Programme of training for the application of environmental law
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
programme web page
UN Programme on space applications
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNOOSA page on the programme
UN Protection and assistance to refugees: Assistance
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
brief description of protection activities
UN Training and capacity building programmes in chemicals and waste management
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
programme web site
UN Training and capacity building programmes in chemicals and waste management: Training and capacity building programme to facilitate the design and implementation of national pollutant release and transfer registers
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
subprogramme web page
UN Training programme on energy
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands web site
UN Training programme to support the implementation of the Climate Change Convention
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
programme web site
UN United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
United Nations Interim Secretariat of the Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCCD web site
UN United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Climate Change Secretariat
UNFCCC web site
UN Waste treatment
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Water quality and monitoring
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Water supply and sanitation
Progress of Nations: water and sanitation commentary
UN Water treatment
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Watershed analysis
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Watershed management
UNU International Network for Water, Environment and Health
no web site available
UN Women, environment and sustainable development
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
brief summary of the programme
FAO Agriculture
Agriculture Department
department web site
FAO Agriculture: Agricultural processing and post-harvest management
Agricultural Support Services Division
subprogramme web site
FAO Agriculture: Nuclear techniques in food and agriculture
Joint FAO/IAEA Division for Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
subprogramme web site; see also record under IAEA
FAO Agriculture: Water resources development and management service
Land and Water Development Division
subprogramme web site
FAO Fisheries: Fishery policy
Fishery Policy and Planning Division
division web page
FAO Fisheries: Fishery resources
division web page
FAO Forestry
Forestry Department
department web site
FAO Forestry: Forestry policy and planning
division web page
FAO Forestry: Forestry resources
division web page
FAO Sustainable development: Energy for development
subprogramme web page
FAO Sustainable development: Environmental information
subprogramme web page
FAO Sustainable development: Environmental policy, planning and management
subprogramme web page
FAO Sustainable development: Extension and education
Extension, Education and Communication Service
subprogramme web page
IAEA Nuclear applications
Department of Research and Isotopes
web page with access to subprogrammes
IAEA Nuclear applications: Food and agriculture
Department of Research and Isotopes
subprogramme web site; see also record under FAO
IAEA Nuclear applications: Marine environment, water resources and industry
Department of Research and Isotopes
document on the IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory
IAEA Nuclear power and fuel cycle
Department of Nuclear Energy
web page with access to subprogrammes
IAEA Nuclear power and fuel cycle: Comparative assessment of energy sources
Department of Nuclear Energy
programme information from the 1995 annual report
IAEA Nuclear power and fuel cycle: Nuclear fuel cycle and waste technology
Department of Nuclear Energy
programme information from the 1995 annual report
IAEA Nuclear power and fuel cycle: Nuclear power
Department of Nuclear Energy
programme information from the 1995 annual report
IAEA Nuclear verification and security of material
Department of Safeguards
programme web site
IAEA Nuclear, radiation and waste safety
Department of Nuclear Safety
programme web site
ICAO Air transport: Environmental protection
press release related to the programme
IFAD Environmental assessment
discussion paper on combatting environmental degradation
ILO Working conditions and environment
programme web site
IMO Marine environment protection
document dealing with international agreements in the area of marine pollution
UNESCO Environmental sciences and sustainable development: Co-ordination and promotion of interdisciplinary and inter-agency co-operation
Bureau for the Co-ordination of Environmental Programmes
subprogramme web page
UNESCO Environmental sciences and sustainable development: Earth sciences, earth system management and natural hazards
Division of Earth Sciences
subprogramme web page
UNESCO Environmental sciences and sustainable development: Ecological sciences and the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme
Division of Ecological Sciences
MAB web site
UNESCO Environmental sciences and sustainable development: Hydrology and water resources development in a vulnerable environment
Division of Water Sciences
International Hydrological Programme web site
UNESCO Environmental sciences and sustainable development: Project on environment and development in coastal regions and in small islands
Coastal Areas and Small Islands Unit
subprogramme web site
UNESCO Social and human sciences and social development: Project on Cities: management of social transformations and the environment
full description of the project
UNIDO Environment and energy
Industrial Sectors and Environment Division
programme web site
UNIDO Environment and energy: Clean and safe production
Industrial Sectors and Environment Division
subprogramme web site
UNIDO Environment and energy: Industry-related environment norms and standards
Industrial Sectors and Environment Division
subprogramme web site
UNIDO Environment and energy: Introducing new technologies for abatement of global mercury pollution
subprogramme web site
WB Chemicals, petrochemicals and fertilizers
International Finance Corporation
department web page
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Activities implemented jointly
subprogramme web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Environment matters
department web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Environmental economics and indicators
subprogramme web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Freshwater, coastal and marine resources
Land, Water and Natural Habitats Division
subprogramme web page
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Global Environment Facility
GEF web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: National strategy studies program
subprogramme web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Natural habitats and terrestrial ecosystems
Land, Water and Natural Habitats Division
subprogramme web page
WB Environmentally sustainable development: New ideas in pollution regulation
subprogramme web site
WB Environmentally sustainable development: Portfolio monitoring and environmental assessment
Land, Water and Natural Habitats Division
subprogramme web site
WB Finance, private sector and infrastructure: Private provision of infrastructure
PPIG web site
WB Infrastructure
International Finance Corporation
department web page
WB International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
ICLARM web site
WB International Center for Research in Agroforestry: Domestication of agroforestry trees
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
subprogramme web site
WB International Center for Research in Agroforestry: Ecosystem rehabilitation
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
subprogramme web site
WB International Center for Research in Agroforestry: Natural resources strategies and policies
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
subprogramme web site
WB International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CIAT web site
WB International Center for Tropical Agriculture: Land management research
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
subprogramme web page
WB International Center for Tropical Agriculture: Research on agrobiodiversity
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
subprogramme web page
WB International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
ICRISAT web site
WB International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: Crop improvement
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
links to the seven projects under this programme
WB International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: Resource management
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
links to the four projects under this programme
WB International Irrigation Management Institute
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
IIMI web site
WB International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
IPGRI web site
WB Mining program
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
brochure on the African Mining Investment Symposium and Exhibits
WB Oil, gas and mining
International Finance Corporation
department web page
WB Power
International Finance Corporation
department web page
WB Revitalizing rural development and sustainable agriculture: Land quality indicators
subprogramme web site
WB Technical and environment
International Finance Corporation
department web page
WHO Promotion and protection of health: Environmental health
Programme for the Promotion of Environmental Health
subprogramme web site
WMO Atmospheric research and environment programme: Global atmosphere watch
subprogramme web page
WMO Atmospheric research and environment programme: Programme on medium- and long-range weather prediction research
brief document about the programme
WMO Atmospheric research and environment programme: Programme on physics and chemistry of clouds and weather modification research
brief document about the programme
WMO Atmospheric research and environment programme: Programme on very-short and short-range weather prediction research
brief document about the programme
WMO Atmospheric research and environment programme: Tropical meteorology research programme
brief document about the programme
WMO Hydrology and water resources programme
programme web site
WMO Hydrology and water resources programme: Operational hydrology programme - applications and environment
subprogramme web page
WMO Hydrology and water resources programme: Programme on water-related issues
subprogramme web page
WMO World climate programme
programme web site
WMO World climate programme: Global climate observing system
subprogramme web site
WMO World climate programme: World climate data and monitoring programme
subprogramme web page
WMO World climate programme: World climate impact assessment and response strategies programme
no web site available
WMO World weather watch programme: Emergency response activities
subprogramme web page
WMO World weather watch programme: Tropical cyclone programme
subprogramme web page
WTO Trade and environment
various documents dealing with the issue

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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5 November 1998