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Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
New York, 16-27 June 2003

Decision adopted by the Ad Hoc Committee


27 June 2003
6.30 p.m.

The Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities decides:

1. To establish a Working Group with the aim of preparing and presenting a draft text which would be the basis for negotiation by Member States and Observers at the Ad Hoc Committee of the draft convention, taking into account all contributions submitted to the Ad Hoc Committee in advance of the meetings of the Working Group by States, observers, regional meetings, relevant United Nations bodies, entities and agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental organizations, as well as civil society including non-governmental organizations, national disability and human rights institutions and independent experts. Where there are alternative approaches, the Working Group shall present textual options that reflect those approaches.

2. The Working Group shall comprise twenty-seven governmental representatives designated by the regional groups (Asia 7, Africa 7, Grulac 5, WEOG 5, EEG 3). The Working Group shall also include twelve representatives of non governmental organizations, especially organizations of persons with disabilities, accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee, to be selected by those organizations taking into account the diversity of disabilities and of NGOs, ensuring adequate representation of NGOs from developing countries and from all regions. It will also include a representative from national human rights institutions accredited to the International Coordinating Committee. For the purposes of the Working Group, the modalities of participation for NGOs as contained in resolutions 56/510 and 57/229 shall apply both to NGOs and to national human rights institutions. Selections should be communicated to the Bureau of the Ad Hoc Committee no later than forty-five days after the adoption of this decision.

3. The Voluntary Fund established by General Assembly resolution 57/229 may be used to support the participation of non governmental organizations and experts from developing countries, in particular from the least developed countries.

4. The Working Group shall meet inter-sessionally in the United Nations Headquarters in New York for one session of ten working days early in 2004, and will present the outcome of its work on a draft text to the Ad Hoc Committee at its third session.

5. The outcome of the Group's work on a draft text presented to the Ad Hoc Committee shall be translated into all UN languages, as well as published to the fullest extent possible in formats accessible to persons with disabilities, and circulated as a UN document no later than three months before the Third Session of the Ad Hoc Committee.

6. The Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee shall appoint, in consultation with the members of the Working Group, a coordinator of the Group from among the Governmental representatives, to facilitate its proceedings

7. The Secretary-General should provide the Working Group with all relevant documentation, including the report of the Second Session of the Ad Hoc Committee, as soon as possible and to the fullest extent possible in formats accessible to persons with disabilities.

8. The mandate of the Working Group shall be terminated upon the presentation of the outcome of its work on a draft text to the Ad Hoc Committee.

9. The above mentioned modalities shall in no way create a precedent for other Ad Hoc Committees of the General Assembly

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