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National Level Coordination Structure of Agenda 21 Actions


1. Key National Sustainable Development Coordination Mechanism(s)/Council(s). Comité national de développement durable (CNDD); Centre Beninois pour le développement durable

Contact point (Name, Title, Office): Houeto Damien, Directeur de l'Environnement

Telephone: (229) 31.20.65

Fax: (229) 31.50.81

e-mail: BP.01-3621

Mailing address: Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme, B.P. 01-3621, Cotonou, Benin

2. Membership/Composition/Chairperson

2a. List of ministries and agencies involved:

2b. Names of para-statal bodies and institutions involved, as well as participation of academic and private sectors:

Fondation Beninoise pour le Développement Durable

2c. Names of non-governmental organizations:

Association des Ecologistes du Benin (B.P. 06-1999, Cotonou, Benin)

3. Mandate role of above mechanism/council:

4. If available, attach a diagram (organization chart) showing national coordination structure and linkages between ministries:

Submitted by
Mr. Houeto Damien

Title: Directeur
3 mars 1995
Ministry/Office: Ministère de l'Environnement, B.P. 01-3621 Cotonou, Benin
Telephone: (229) 31.20.65
(229) 31.50.81

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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1 November 1997