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National Activities: Brazil

Brazil Flag


First Interim Report of Brazil on Testing of the CSD Indicators of Sustainable Development

Coordinating organization:

The Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and the Legal Amazon (MMA).

The focal point for Brazil is:

Dra. Marilia Marreco Cerqueira
Diretora do Departamento de Gesto Ambiental
Ministrio do Meio Ambiente, dos Recursos Hidricos e Amaznia Legal
Esplanada dos Ministrios, bloco "B", Sala 838
Brasilia, Brazil CEP 70068-900
Tel. no.: (55-61) 317-1215
Fax no.: (55-61) 317-1352

As you requested, we would like to give you some initial information about our organizational arrangements for the testing process.

In order to establish a national coordination to introduce environmental sustainable principles within public policies, according to Agenda 21, the Brazilian Government created the Interministerial Commission for Sustainable Development (Comiss o Interministerial para o Desenvolvimento Sustent vel - CIDES) in 1994, which as, among other duties:

  • to propose strategies and national policies for implementation of the activities established in Agenda 21, with special concern for their incorporation in global and financial planning within national administration.
  • to propose legal instruments for the implementation of the Agenda 21 and to meet the Rio's Declaration and other commitments arising from international agreements and conventions.

CIDES is coordinated by the Minister of Planning and integrated by other State Ministers and within its framework, to coordinate and accompany permanent activities, were created:

  • International Affairs Coordination under the responsibility of the Ministry of External Relations.
  • Climate Change Coordination under the responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • Biodiversity Coordination under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and the Legal Amazon.

Presently, CIDES is being restructured and is expected to resume its activities at the Presidential level, that is, at the highest political level. This new status will change CIDES into a powerful mechanism of governmental articulation.

Simultaneously, MMA has developed projects supporting CIDES, with the help of research and scientific institutions such as the Coordination of Post-graduate Studies in Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE and the Technological Foundation Center of Minas Gerais - CETEC.

Those, in general, are the preliminary activities that are being implemented by the Brazilian Government which demonstrate the necessary support to the testing process.

As soon as we have concluded the report, according to the timetable presented in "Guidelines for National Testing IDS", we will send you a copy.

Additional Reports