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I. Organizational, administrative and other matter

Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly

This item, which was included in the agenda of the forty-sixth session of the General Assembly, in 1991, had originally been proposed for inclusion in the draft agenda of that session by the President of the Assembly at its forty-fifth session (see decision 45/461).

The General Assembly considered the question at its forty-sixth to forty-eighth, fifty-second and fifty-third sessions (resolutions 46/77, 47/233 and 48/264 and decisions 52/479 and 53/491).

At its fifty-fourth session, the General Assembly decided to defer consideration of the item and to include it in the draft agenda of its subsequent session (decision 54/491).

The General Assembly continued its consideration of the item from its fifty-fifth to fifty-eighth sessions (resolutions 55/285, 56/509, 57/301 and 58/126, annex).

At its resumed fifty-eighth session, in July 2004, the General Assembly adopted a number of measures, inter alia, to reorganize the agenda of the Assembly; and decided to review the provisions of the reorganized agenda at its sixty-first session with a view to making further improvements (resolution 58/316).

At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly adopted the proposed programme of work and timetable of the First Committee for 2008 (decision 62/515), the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (decision 62/524), the draft programmes of work of the Second Committee (decision 62/543) and the Third Committee (decision 62/535) and the provisional programme of work of the Sixth Committee (decision 62/517) for the sixty-third session.

At its resumed sixty-second session, in September 2008, the General Assembly decided to establish, at its sixty-third session, an ad hoc working group on the revitalization of the General Assembly, open to all Member States, in order, inter alia, to submit a report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-third session (resolution 62/276).

No advance documentation is expected.

References for the sixty-second session (agenda item 121)

Source: A/63/100