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Preparations for the 2012 DCF

As 2015 draws near, all actors in international development cooperation need to join forces to improve the quality and results of development cooperation to achieve the MDGs.  As recognized by the 2010 General Assembly high-level Plenary Meeting on the MDGs and guided by the mandate to review trends and increase coherence and effectiveness, the DCF will contribute to this goal by:

  • promoting thorough, frank and results-oriented discussions on global trends in development cooperation among developing and developed country governments, parliamentarians, representatives of civil society and other stakeholders;
  • serving as a global forum where development actors can hold each other to account on development cooperation commitments in relation to the MDGs and to the effective use of ODA;
  • deepening its analytical work in policy coherence, mutual accountability and South-South and triangular development cooperation with a view to identify good practices and distil key messages and guidance for practitioners;
  • conducting high quality analytical studies on new trends in international development cooperation – such as the role of decentralized cooperation and of foundations from both the North and the South as vital development cooperation sources, quality of aid from the perspective of the range of development cooperation actors, and development cooperation for LDCs and other countries in special situations;
  • organizing preparatory high-level Symposia, regional expert group meetings and country-level activities such as surveys and workshops;
  • engaging in the preparations for the LDC-IV Conference in Istanbul, the Fourth High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan and the UNCSD+20 Conference in Rio de Janeiro, by providing high-quality analysis and inclusive policy space in DCF symposia as well as by organizing high-level side events during these conferences;
  • closely collaborating with all stakeholder groups and relevant organizations within and beyond the United Nations system.

The General Assembly will review the functioning of the DCF during its sixty-fifth session, as part of its review of the implementation of its resolution 61/16 on the strengthening of the Economic and Social Council.  The DCF is currently held biannually on even years.  The possible annualization of the DCF may be considered as part of the GA review.