2006 Meetings of the Economic and Social Council

|| 2004 || 2005 ||

17 First part of the organizational session . The basic programme of work of the Council is contained in document E/2006/1and E/2006/1/Corr.1, and the provisional annotated agenda for the session is contained in document E/2006/2.
7-10 Organizational session - the provisional annotated agenda for the session is contained in document E/2006/2.
4-5 Preparatory Meeting of the High-level segment of ECOSOC
24 Special High-Level Meeting of the Economic and Social Council with the Bretton Woods Institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
8 and 9 DESA Forum on Productive Employment and Decent Work
10 and 11 Organizational session
  Provisional Schedule of Informal Informals
July - Substantive Session of ECOSOC 2006 (3 - 28)
3-5 High-level segment
6 (p.m.)-10 Coordination segment
11-13 July Operational activities segment
14 (p.m.)-19 Humanitarian Affairs segment
19-27 General segment
27-28 Conclusion of ECOSOC