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The 2009 Operational Activities Segment took place on 15-17th July 2009 at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva and provided an opportunity for the Economic and Social Council to follow up on the implementation of the policy recommendations of the General Assembly on UN system’s operational activities for development, particularly General Assembly resolution 62/208. It aimed to bolster the full implementation of the mandates of the Assembly and the Council in the field of operational activities by the UN system.

The segment comprised a series of interactive dialogues on operational activities for development of the United Nations system, including panel discussions on the UN system’s support to national efforts in the context of the current economic, food and climate change crises and their effects on the achievement of the MDGs; Strengthening UN country team’s coherent support to public health; a dialogue with the Executive Heads of the Funds and Programmes, a dialogue on funding as well as a general debate.

The Council had before it the following reports of the Secretary-General:

  • Report of the Secretary-General on results achieved and measures and process in the implementation of the General Assembly resolution 62/208 on the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review (TCPR)
  • Report of the Secretary-General on functioning of the resident coordinator system, including costs and benefits
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Human resources challenges within the United Nations development system at the country level and recommendations for improvements          
  • Report of the Secretary-General on comprehensive statistical analysis of the financing of operational activities for development of the United Nations system for 2007
  • Note by the Secretary-General: Review of trends and perspectives in funding for development cooperation      
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Actions taken by the Executive Boards and Governing Bodies of the United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies in the area of simplification and harmonization of the United Nations development system

Draft resolution: Progress in the implementation of General Assembly resolution 62/208 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (E/2009/L.18)

The functions of the segment were defined by the General Assembly in its Resolution (A/RES/48/162)

For more information, please contact Development Cooperation Policy Branch/DESA (


Operational Activities Segment 2009