28 September 2015 |
A Contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development |
New York |
14 September 2015 |
Welcome Remarks UN-DESA Energy Grant Award Ceremony |
New York |
12 August 2015 |
International Youth Day 2015 Youth Civic Engagement |
New York |
10 August 2015 |
Remarks Commemoration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples |
New York |
5 August 2015 |
Opening remarks Fifth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on GGIM |
New York |
20 July 2015 |
Side event during the Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations |
New York |
16 July 2015 |
Informal meeting among Directors-General on the UN Development Cooperation Forum |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
16 July 2015 |
Closing Plenary of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
16 July 2015 |
Round table 6: Ensuring policy coherence and an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
14 July 2015 |
Closing Plenary of International Business Forum |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
12 July 2015 |
Flag raising ceremony – Third International Conference on Financing for Development |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
7 July 2015 |
High-level Segment of ECOSOC Introduction of the Reports of the Secretary-General |
New York |
29 June 2015 |
Keeping science involved in SDG implementation |
New York |
15 June 2015 |
Third Drafting Session on the Outcome Document |
New York |
11 June 2015 |
Welcome remarks at the Second Meeting of the Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport |
Milan, Italy |
10 June 2015 |
Initial Stockstaking Meeting in the Process of the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Review of the Implementation of the Outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society |
New York |
10 June 2015 |
Remarks at the Opening ceremony of the Shanghai City Campaign |
Milan, Italy |
4 June 2015 |
Briefing on logistical arrangements for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development |
New York |
1 June 2015 |
First Meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators |
New York |
21 May 2015 |
Second Annual Sustainable Energy for All Forum |
New York |
14 May 2015 |
Seventh Meeting of the Board, International Institute on Ageing (INIA) |
Malta |
23 April 2015 |
The Conference on “Fostering inclusive and sustainable industrialization in the middle-income countries |
Minsk, Belarus |
20 April 2015 |
Special high-level meeting of ECOSOC on mobilization of financial resources |
New York |
20 April 2015 |
14th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration |
New York |
16 April 2015 |
The Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 |
Washington DC |
14 April 2015 |
Launch of the logo and website of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development |
New York |
13 April 2015 |
Opening Statement 48th session of the Commission on Population and Development |
New York |
10 April 2015 |
Development cooperation for people and planet: What will it take? |
Incheon |
9 April 2015 |
Opening Remarks DCF Republic of Korea High-Level Symposium |
Incheon |
1 April 2015 |
Keynote Address 2015 Global Forum on Development |
Paris |
23 March 2015 |
Closing Remarks Regional Consultation on FFD organized by UNECE |
Geneva |
13 March 2015 |
Closing Remarks Regional Consultation on FFD in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Santiago, Chile |
12 March 2015 |
Regional Consultation on Financing for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Santiago, Chile |
9 March 2015 |
Opening Statement Twenty-seventh Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on MDGs Indicators |
New York |
4 March 2015 |
Closing Statement 23rd UN/INTOSAI Symposium |
Vienna |
2 March 2015 |
23RD UN/INTOSAI Symposium |
Vienna |
24 February 2015 |
International Year of Small Island Developing States |
New York |
23 February 2015 |
2015 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment |
New York |
30 January 2015 |
First drafting session on the outcome document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development |
New York |
21 January 2015 |
Panel on the Independent Oversight Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda |
New York |
15 January 2015 |
High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities |
Toyota City, Japan |
11 December 2014 |
United Nations Second Committee Closing session |
New York |
3 December 2014 |
Opening Session of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities |
New York |
26 November 2014 |
Keynote Address at International Forum for Clean Energy |
Macau, China |
26 November 2014 |
Opening Remarks at Post-2015 Development Agenda and Energy |
Macau, China |
18 November 2014 |
Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: Enhancing access to and security of ICTs |
New York |
14 November 2014 |
ICT and E-Government in SIDS: Responding to the SAMOA Pathway Call for Action |
New York |
4 November 2014 |
2014 Global City Informatization Forum (GCIF) |
Shanghai, China |
31 October 2014 |
Opening of the Global City Forum |
Shanghai, China |
31 October 2014 |
Observation Ceremony on the World Cities Day |
Shanghai, China |
22 October 2014 |
Third High-Level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management |
Beijing, China |
20 October 2014 |
Statement to the UN General Assembly Third Committee – Agenda item “Rights of indigenous peoples” |
New York |
17 October 2014 |
First substantive informal session of the preparatory process for the third International Conference on Financing for Development |
New York |
14 October 2014 |
United Nations Symposium on National Sustainable Development Planning |
Tehran, Iran |
9 October 2014 |
Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 |
Washington D.C. |
7 October 2014 |
Opening of the Third Committee of the General Assembly |
New York |
7 October 2014 |
Opening of the Second Committee of the General Assembly |
New York |
7 October 2014 |
United Nations Global E-Government Forum 2014 |
Astana, Kazakhstan |
1 October 2014 |
Informal Stock-taking event of ECOSOC on the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States |
New York |
23 September 2014 |
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Panel discussion: Indigenous Peoples’ Priorities for the Post 2015 Development Agenda |
New York |
22 September 2014 |
Opening Remarks at the High-Level Event: Implementing Sustainable Energy for All |
New York |
4 September 2014 |
Flag Lowering |
Apia, Samoa |
4 September 2014 |
Closing Remarks at the SIDS Conference |
Apia, Samoa |
2 September 2014 |
To the 9th Internet Governance Forum |
Istanbul |
2 September 2014 |
Joint Side Event on Resilience in SIDS |
Apia, Samoa |
1 September 2014 |
Opening of the Third International Conference on SIDS |
Apia, Samoa |
31 August 2014 |
Remarks at the Cultural Opening Ceremony |
Apia, Samoa |
30 August 2014 |
Flag Raising Ceremony |
Apia, Samoa |
30 August 2014 |
Renewable Energy Forum |
Apia, Samoa |
30 August 2014 |
Opening of the Private Sector Forum |
Apia Samoa |
28 August 2014 |
Keynote Address at the Opening of the Major Groups and Other Skateholders Forum |
Apia, Samoa |
28 August 2014 |
Welcoming Ceremony of the Youth Forum |
Apia, Samoa |
21 August 2014 |
Press Remarks Noon Briefing |
New York |
12 August 2014 |
Release Conference of the Chinese Edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey 2014 |
Beijing |
8 August 2014 |
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples |
New York |
8 August 2014 |
Closing Remarks Fifth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing |
New York |
6 August 2014 |
Global Geospatial Information Management |
New York |
4 August 2014 |
Opening of the Fifth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing |
New York |
11 July 2014 |
The Second and Final Preparatory Committee Meeting |
New York |
11 July 2014 |
Closing remarks at the DCF and the High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council |
New York |
11 July 2014 |
2014 Development Cooperation Forum |
New York |
10 July 2014 |
Fourth Biennial Development Cooperation Forum of ECOSOC |
New York |
9 July 2014 |
Meeting of the Core Group of Southern Partners |
New York |
9 July 2014 |
Meeting of DCF Advisory Group |
New York |
9 July 2014 |
Opening Remarks Meeting of the Friends of the DCF |
New York |
9 July 2014 |
HLPF Ministerial Dialogue on “Charting pathways to the future we want” |
New York |
8 July 2014 |
High-level panel discussion and luncheon on sustainable urbanization in China |
New York |
7 July 2014 |
2014 ECOSOC High-level Policy Dialogue |
New York |
7 July 2014 |
Introduction of the Report of the Secretary-General |
New York |
1 July 2014 |
Presentation on the proposed global sustainable development report |
New York |
30 June 2014 |
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development |
New York |
23 June 2014 |
The Joint Briefing to Delegations |
New York |
23 June 2014 |
The Second and Final Preparatory Committee Meeting |
New York |
10 June 2014 |
Committee for Programme and Coordination |
New York |
3 June 2014 |
Youth2015 |
New York |
3 June 2014 |
UNSGAB-Session |
Singapore |
2 June 2014 |
UNSGAB-Opening remarks |
Singapore |
29 May 2014 |
Introduction of SG report on effective governance |
New York |
27 May 2014 |
Open-ended Informal consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea |
New York |
4 May 2014 |
High-level Presentations to the Plenary on Action Areas (Transport) |
Abu Dhabi |
29 April 2014 |
Peace for Prosperity and Sustainable Development |
Qatar |
16 April 2014 |
the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation |
Mexico City |
14 April 2014 |
Opening remarks at the meeting of the core group of Southern Partners |
Mexico City |
11 April 2014 |
Fifty-Second Session of the UNRISD Board |
Geneva |
10 April 2014 |
Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 |
Washington D.C |
7 April 2014 |
47th Session of the Commission on Population and Development |
New York |
7 April 2014 |
13th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration |
New York |
4 April 2014 |
Briefing of delegates on the DCF Germany High-Level Symposium |
New York |
21 March 2014 |
Closing Remarks to the DCF Germany |
New York |
20 March 2014 |
DCF Germany High-Level Symposium |
Berlin |
4 March 2014 |
45th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission |
New York |
3 March 2014 |
Wildlife and its contributions to sustainable development |
New York |
3 March 2014 |
Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing |
New York |
26 February 2014 |
Closing of the First Preparatory Committee Meeting |
New York |
24 February 2014 |
2014 ECOSOC operational activities segment |
New York |
24 February 2014 |
Opening of the First Preparatory Committee Meeting |
New York |
24 February 2014 |
Launch of the International Year of Small Island Developing States |
New York |
19 February 2014 |
UN General Assembly Thematic Debate |
New York |
12 February 2014 |
Implications for Social Development |
New York |
11 February 2014 |
Commission for Social Development |
New York |
10 February 2014 |
Civil Society Forum |
New York |
5 February 2014 |
Group of Friends on Food and Nutrition Security |
New York |
14 January 2014 |
Remarks at the ECOSOC Handover Ceremony |
New York |
16 December 2013 |
High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization |
Yangzhou, China |
12 December 2013 |
High- Level Expert Group Meeting for the Global Sustainable Development Report |
Beijing, China |
13 November 2013 |
Closing Remarks on SIDS |
New York |
13 November 2013 |
Opening Remarks on SIDS |
New York |
4 November 2013 |
Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals |
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
1 November 2013 |
Strengthening the Resilience of SlDS within the context of Sustainable Development |
New York |
30 October 2013 |
Convention on Biological Diversity |
New York |
21 October 2013 |
Statement to the High-Level Leaders Meeting |
Indonesia |
17 October 2013 |
Seoul Conference on Cyberspace 2013 |
Seoul, Korea |
9 October 2013 |
Budapest Water Summit 2013 |
New York |
7 October 2013 |
Opening Statement to the Third Committee of the General Assembly |
New York |
4 October 2013 |
High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development |
New York |
25 September 2013 |
Luncheon Side Event in Preparation for DCF Germany High-level Symposium |
New York |
25 September 2013 |
High Level Breakfast on Raising Visibility towards the 2014 Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States |
New York |
24 September 2013 |
Global Sustainable Development Report and the need for a data revolution |
New York |
23 September 2013 |
High-level Meeting on Disability and Development |
New York |
20 September 2013 |
20th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development |
New York |
19 September 2013 |
Roundtable on Investing in Young People |
New York |
16 September 2013 |
Closing remarks at the Meeting of AOSIS |
New York |
4 September 2013 |
High-level segment of the informal meeting on Improving Connectivity in Eurasia organized by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
New York |
28 August 2013 |
Opening meeting of the first session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing |
New York |
27 August 2013 |
Side Event on Fostering Private Sector Partnerships For SIDS |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
27 August 2013 |
Sustainable Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda (Session 8) |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
26 August 2013 |
Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
17 July 2013 |
Opening Statement at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States AIMS Regional Preparatory Meeting |
Mahé, Seychelles |
13 July 2013 |
Closing Remarks at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting |
Nadi, Fiji |
10 July 2013 |
Opening Statement at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting |
Nadi, Fiji |
5 July 2013 |
Introduction of the report of the SG on the role of the UN system |
Geneva |
4 July 2013 |
Thematic Debate – Panel I: Shaping the post-2015 development agenda |
Geneva |
2 July 2013 |
Introduction of the Reports of the Secretary-General |
Geneva |
2 July 2013 |
Current Developments in the World Economy |
Geneva |
27 June 2013 |
Closing Remarks United Nations Public Service Day and Awards Ceremony |
Bahrain |
27 June 2013 |
Opening Remarks United Nations Public Service Day and Awards Ceremony |
Bahrain |
14 June 2013 |
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Event |
New York |
7 June 2013 |
A renewed global partnership for development for a post-2015 era |
Addis Ababa |
6 June 2013 |
DCF Ethiopia High-Level Symposium Press Statement |
Addis Ababa |
6 June 2013 |
DCF Ethiopia High-Level Symposium Opening Remarks |
Addis Ababa |
5 June 2013 |
Remarks at the Caucus of Least Developed Countries |
Addis Ababa |
28 May 2013 |
Safeguarding Financing for Sustainable Development |
New York |
24 May 2013 |
Statement for roundtable at the VI Astana Economic Forum and World anti-crisis conference |
Astana , Kazakhstan |
23 May 2013 |
Opening speech at the VI Astana Economic Forum and World anti-crisis conference |
Astana , Kazakhstan |
13 May 2013 |
Closing remarks at ECOSOC Integration Meeting |
New York |
13 May 2013 |
2013 ECOSOC Integration Meeting |
New York |
6 May 2013 |
Luncheon Hosted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey on UNFF10 |
New York |
30 April 2013 |
General Assembly Consultative Workshops |
New York |
26 April 2013 |
Commission on Population and Development |
New York |
24 April 2013 |
Closing Remarks at ECOSOC Partnerships Forum |
New York |
18 April 2013 |
CEPA Awards |
New York |
17 April 2013 |
GA WG on Sustainable Development Goals |
New York |
15 April 2013 |
Conference of South-South Cooperation Partners |
New Delhi |
11 April 2013 |
the Private Sector in Forest Financing |
Istanbul, Turkey |
10 April 2013 |
“Forests for People” Awards Ceremony |
Istanbul, Turkey |
10 April 2013 |
Forests, post-2015 and the Rio+20 outcomes |
Istanbul, Turkey |
9 April 2013 |
Remarks at the Informal Ministerial Event at UNFF10 |
Turkey |
9 April 2013 |
Closing remarks at the Ministerial Segment at UNFF10 |
Turkey |
9 April 2013 |
Side Event organized by World Resources Institute at UNFF10 |
Turkey |
9 April 2013 |
Key Note Speech – UNFF10 Ministerial Roundtable 2 |
Turkey |
8 April 2013 |
Remarks at the Press Conference of UNFF10 |
Turkey |
8 April 2013 |
Opening Statement at UNFF10 |
Turkey |
27 March 2013 |
ECOSOC Youth Forum |
New York |
21 March 2013 |
the International Day Of Forests |
Beijing |
18 March 2013 |
Luncheon hosted by China Energy Fund Committe |
Hong Kong |
18 March 2013 |
Remarks at the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
5 March 2013 |
22nd UN/INTOSAI Symposium |
Vienna |
28 February 2013 |
Lessons-learned workshop on 2012 QCPR process |
New York |
26 February 2013 |
44th Session of the UN Statistical Commission |
New York |
25 February 2013 |
G77 and China Brainstorming |
New York |
18 February 2013 |
UNEP Governing Council |
Nairobi |
13 February 2013 |
Plenary meeting of AOSIS |
New York |
8 February 2013 |
2013 AARP-United Nations Briefing Series on Global Ageing |
New York |
8 February 2013 |
Introduction of Secretary-General’s report |
New York |
6 February 2013 |
the Commission for Social Development |
New York |
4 February 2013 |
High Level Forum on GGIM |
Doha, Qatar |
30 January 2013 |
Informal consultations on High-Level Political Forum |
New York |
28 January 2013 |
Handover ceremony of ECOSOC Presidency |
New York |
15 January 2013 |
Sustainable Energy for All |
Abu Dhabi |
13 January 2013 |
IRENA 3rd General Assembly |
Abu Dhabi |
12 January 2013 |
Conference on International Cooperation |
Shanghai |
13 December 2012 |
Opening Remarks of the Vienna Policy Dialogue |
Vienna |
2 December 2012 |
Opening Plenary of Forest Day 6 |
Doha |
5 November 2012 |
Addressing the Challenges of a Hyperconnected World |
Baku, Azerbaijan |
5 November 2012 |
Internet Governance Forum |
Baku, Azerbaijan |
8 October 2012 |
Opening Statement at the Opening of the Third Committee of the General Assembly |
New York |
8 October 2012 |
Opening Statement at the Opening of the Second Committee of the General Assembly |
New York |
28 September 2012 |
Annual Ministerial meeting of the G77 |
New York |
24 September 2012 |
the Closing of the Special ECOSOC Ministerial Meeting |
New York |
24 September 2012 |
the Opening of the Special ECOSOC Ministerial Meeting |
New York |
12 September 2012 |
Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
New York |
10 September 2012 |
Expert Group meeting on Promoting Empowerment |
New York |
13 August 2012 |
the Second Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management |
New York |
9 August 2012 |
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples |
New York |