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UN DESA | DPAD | Development Policy Analysis Division
UN Task Team Thematic Think Pieces
- Countries with special needs
- Culture: a driver and an enabler of sustainable development
- Disaster risk and resilience
- Education and skills for inclusive and sustainable development beyond 2015
- Emerging development challenges for the post-2015
UN development agenda: Employment - Imagining a world free from hunger: Ending hunger and malnutrition and ensuring food and nutrition security
- Governance and development
- Health in the post-2015 development agenda
- Towards freedom from fear and want: Human rights in the post-2015 agenda
- Addressing inequalities: The heart of the post-2015 agenda and the future we want for all
- Science, technology and innovation and intellectual property rights: The vision for development
- Macroeconomic stability, inclusive growth and employment
- Migration and human mobility
- Peace and security
- Population dynamics
- Social protection: A development priority in the post-2015 UN development agenda
- Building on the MDGs to bring sustainable development to the post-2015 development agenda
- Sustainable urbanization