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UN DESA | DPAD | Development Policy Analysis Division

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About the Development Policy and Analysis Division

The Development Policy and Analysis Division is the main development research division of the UN secretariat. The Division’s research aims to contribute to a strengthening of international cooperation for the economic and social development of all countries and to foster their effective integration into the world economy in the context of the UN Development Agenda. The Division’s core functions include:

Office of the Director (OD)

The Office of the Director (OD) coordinates the activities of the Division at large, administers and executes various development account projects aiming at capacity building in developing countries in macroeconomic and development policy analysis, manages the Division's human and financial resources, and takes care of the Division's external relations within UN-DESA, with the inter-governmental process of the UN, with other UN and non-UN agencies and with the general public.

Committee for Development Policy Secretariat (CDP)

The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) provides inputs and independent advice to ECOSOC on emerging cross-sectoral development issues and on international cooperation for development, focusing on medium- and long-term aspects. The CDP is also responsible for defining the eligibility of countries for inclusion on the list of least developed countries (LDCs).

Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit (DSP)

The Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit (DSP) is in charge of economic and social research into fundamental development issues and trends and formulates advice for the UN development agenda. The unit coordinates the production of the World Economic and Social Survey (WESS), UN-DESA’s flagship report since 1948, and which is published annually.

Global Economic Monitoring Unit (GEM)

The Global Economic Monitoring Unit (GEM) monitors global economic trends and contributes to UN reports, briefings and notes in the area of macroeconomic analysis. The unit coordinates the production of the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), the joint report of UN-DESA, UNCTAD and the regional commissions on the state of the world economy and emerging macroeconomic policy challenges. The WESP is published twice a year.

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