Closing Remarks at International Year of Cooperatives : Promoting Cooperatives Beyond 2012

Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

Significance of Cooperatives

The United Nations declaration of 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives marks a significant milestone and serves as a vote of confidence for the values and principles of the cooperative model.

Cooperatives are poised to continue their growth in scope and influence. To illustrate the points, I share some basic facts. Worldwide there are: 

  • 53,000 credit cooperatives and credit unions;
  • About one billion people are now members of cooperatives;
  • The world's top 300 cooperatives register a combined revenue equivalent to the ninth largest national economy;
  • In the United States of America, Japan and many European countries, around 50 per cent of agricultural product marketing is carried out by cooperatives; and
  • In India, cooperatives have made the country the largest milk producing nation in the world.


Cooperatives have a distinct impact on the poor and promote a people centric approach through a unique method that offers dignity, equity and inclusivity. Recognizing this, the United Nations considers itself a partner in development with cooperatives to serve the vulnerable and unattended communities and contributes to their empowerment and livelihood.

The Cooperative Difference

As distinct from mainstream business enterprises, which are motivated primarily by profit-maximization, cooperatives must balance a larger set of objectives. However, this allows them to accommodate broader community goals such as inclusive development and social protection.

Women and youth can obtain or generate employment directly or indirectly through cooperatives, and even proceed to engage in key leadership roles.

Excluded groups, such as persons with disabilities, the aged, or indigenous peoples, can band together in productive employment and raise awareness of their cause

Since the rural and agricultural poor are often neglected by mainstream financial institutions, local credit unions and cooperative financial institutions can provide much-needed financial services and outreach.

Cooperatives go the extra mile in serving the community during and after calamities or natural disasters, such as the tsunami tragedy in Japan or Hurricane Sandy here in New York. In all these areas, and others, cooperatives are guided by a core concern for their communities.

Moving Forward - Going Green

As the International Year of Cooperatives concludes, the United Nations seeks to enter a new phase of action by aligning the cooperative agenda with the sustainable development goals set forth by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). In particular, the cooperative movement is in an excellent position to promote the priority theme of a green economy - especially considering that energy cooperatives are already key providers in many countries. The successful experiences of cooperatives in operating renewable energy sources, such as wind farms and solar fields, can guide and inspire others.

The United Nations also aims to align the cooperative agenda with the post-2015 United Nations development agenda, which emphasizes poverty eradication as a main focus.

As a tried-and-tested approach to social enterprise, cooperatives deliver inclusive development, social protection and sustainable livelihoods in a manner that contributes to poverty eradication.

In closing, I would like to congratulate the 1 billion strong members of the cooperative movement who are strengthening economic vitality and upholding social responsibility.

I would also like to extend my congratulations to the International Cooperative Alliance and its cooperative members for vigorously promoting the cooperative brand all over the world. We look forward to the fruition of further cooperative strategies for growth.

And allow me to express my thanks to Rabobank for its financial support for the United Nations efforts in promoting cooperatives during the Year.

Thank you all, and again, congratulations on a successful Year.

File date: 
Friday, November 30, 2012
Promoting Cooperatives Beyond 2012 Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Cooperatives Shamshad Akhtar