Closing Remarks at Economic and Social Council Operational Activities for Development Segment

H.E. Mr. Cristián Barros Melet, Vice-President of ECOSOC,Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to join you at the closing of this year’s Operational Activities for Development Segment.

During the past three days you have successfully launched the implementation of the new QCPR resolution of the General Assembly. In addition, your deliberations will inform the preparation of the various proposals of the Secretary-General on strengthening of the UN development system to be submitted this year for further intergovernmental consideration.

This has been a very productive segment. I would like to congratulate the Vice-President of the Council, H.E. Mr. Cristián Barros Melet, for a successful meeting.

We all agree that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development marks a new era for the UN development system. Its real legitimacy and strength derives from its common objectives, and its inclusive and effective preparatory process, which represents a remarkable spirit of international cooperation.

Excellencies, Dear colleagues,

In the new QCPR resolution, the Secretary-General was asked to undertake further analytical work in a number of important areas. These ambitious mandates reflect the strong commitment of Member States to further strengthening the UN development system in response to the new agenda.

The Deputy Secretary-General, in her keynote address at the opening of the segment, also reaffirmed the high priority attached to the QCPR follow-up by the Secretary-General. You heard from the Executive Heads on the first day of the segment that the entities themselves are now already fully engaged in implementing the new QCPR mandates. DESA has also begun work on strengthening the existing QCPR monitoring system.

The dynamism that has characterized your deliberations over the past three days also demonstrates the importance you attach to the successful implementation of the new QCPR resolution. It is clear that Member States are looking forward to continued deliberations on these important issues as soon as the proposals of the Secretary-General are available.

Excellencies, Dear colleagues,

I would particularly like to highlight four issues from your discussion over the past three days.

First, the concern of many Member States, particularly programme countries, over the decline in funding for UN operational activities in 2015, in nominal terms. However, there was an increase when these flows have been adjusted to account for exchange rate fluctuations. Member States also generally recognize that achieving alignment of functions and funding in the UN development system is a complex issue that requires further deliberations at the intergovernmental level. Another issue that was raised by many participants during this year’s segment was how to increase system-wide and pooled funding for operational activities in response to the 2030 Agenda.

Second, the past decade has witnessed growing diversification in the capacity and needs of programme countries. Many least-developed countries continue to face significant capacity constraints and require support from the UN development system in a wide range of areas. Many middle-income countries have also acquired significant capacities and resources in the past decade. But in the post-2015 era, middle-income countries will need more integrated policy and technical support from the UN development system aimed at enhancing capacity for policy coherence, institution-building and leveraging of private finance.

Third, it is particularly important for the UN development system to strengthen the peace, development and humanitarian nexus so that activities are implemented in a complementary and synergetic ways. However, this strengthening has to ensure that there is no diversion of resources from development priorities.

Fourth, it has become evident in your deliberations over the past three days that Member States are increasingly expecting greater accountability and transparency in the work of the UN development system. This includes better information flow to Member States on existing functions, capacities, organizational arrangements, resources and results of entities and the system as a whole, as well as inter-agency bodies. This is key to trust building.

Excellencies, Dear colleagues,

In closing, I would just like to reaffirm the strong commitment of the Secretary-General to strengthening of the UN development system in response to the ambitious mandates of the new QCPR resolution. I would also like to assure you of the continued commitment of my Department in delivering high quality analysis on QCPR follow-up.

Thank you.
File date: 
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Mr. Wu