The Summit of the Future in September, 2024, produced an inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future (Resolution A/RES/79/1) with chapters on:
- Sustainable development and financing for development;
- International peace and security;
- Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation;
- Youth and future generations; and
- Transforming global governance.
The Summit also produced a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations (Resolution 76/307) that are annexes to the Pact.
To support Member States, the Secretary-General provided proposals in 11 policy briefs, deepening ideas initially laid out in the Our Common Agenda report. Many of the policy brief proposals are under consideration in the negotiations, which are co-facilitated by Namibia and Germany (Pact), Zambia and Sweden (Digital), and Jamaica and the Netherlands (Future Generations).
Learn more about some of the key themes of the pact.
More Information:
- Pact for the Future - Adopted September 2024 [pdf]
- Resolution 79/1
- Press Release
- Statements
- Summit overview [pdf]
- Pact for the Future deck [pdf]