38 GA SG Report

Note by the Secretary-General

A/38/475 Institutional arrangements relating to the process of disarmament

Report of the Secretary-General

Symbol Title
A/38/467 Advisory Board on Disarmament Studies; Institutional arrangements relating to the process of disarmament; World Disarmament Campaign
A/38/342 Armed Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installations and its grave consequences for the established international system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and international peace and security
A/38/210 Chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/38/435 Chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
Construction of price indices and purchasing-power parities for military expenditures
A/38/144 Disarmament Week
A/38/198 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia
A/38/197 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East
General and complete disarmament: Measures to provide objective information on military capabilities
A/38/349 Implementation of the programme of activities of the World Disarmament Campaign
A/38/412 Implementation of the recommendations of the Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
A/38/401 Institutional arrangements relating to the process of disarmament
A/38/199 Israeli nuclear armament
A/38/434 Military expenditures in standardized form reported by States
A/38/196 Nuclear capability of South Africa
Practical means of promoting the wider participation of States in the international system of standardized reporting of military expenditures
A/38/404 Proposal for the establishment of an international satellite monitoring agency
Regional disarmament
A/38/436 Relationship between disarmament and development
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/38/562 Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session
A/38/524 Status of multilateral disarmament agreements
Strengthening of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region
A/38/395 Strengthening of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region: Analysis based on replies of Governments
A/38/437 Study on conventional disarmament
A/38/337 Study on the consequences of the Israeli armed attack against the Iraqi nuclear installations devoted to peaceful purposes
A/38/568 The situation in Grenada
A/38/405 United Nations Conference on Prohibitions or Restrictions of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
A/38/533 United Nations programme of fellowships on disarmament