UNODA Occasional Papers – No. 26, June 2014

The New Zealand Lectures on Disarmament


UNODA Occasional Papers, No. 26

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UN Publications

This Occasional Paper features six lectures delivered in New Zealand in April 2014 by the United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane. The speeches delve into many of the challenges facing the achievement of a world free of nuclear weapons and provide a comprehensive stocktake of the prospects and challenges confronting disarmament and arms control efforts. She describes both progress, most notably in the field of conventional arms, and a lack of progress, especially as regards nuclear disarmament. The lectures were intended to inspire practical actions and help revive political will.

High Representative Angela Kane

Product Details
ISBN: 978-92-1-142300-6
eISBN: 978-92-1-056817-3
Sales No.: E.14.IX.8
Publication date: June 2014