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Library Hungry and Poverty

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The State of the World’s Children 2011: Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity examines the global state of adolescents; outlines the challenges they face in health, education, protection and participation; and explores the risks and vulnerabilities of this pivotal stage. The report highlights the singular opportunities that adolescence offers, both for adolescents themselves and for the societies they live in. The accumulated evidence demonstrates that investing in adolescents’ second decade is our best hope of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and inequity and of laying the foundation for a more peaceful, tolerant and equitable world.To read the publication, please visit: English/ French/Spanish

A survey with young people aged 15-32 in five cities (Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai, Kingston, Nairobi and Lagos) shows that the inequalities in earnings and assets that young people experience in these cities are related to the unequal opportunities that occur in successive life stages. Pre-determined circumstances, including gender, parents’ education, father’s occupation, as well as the location where an individual grew up, have an impact on youth’s inequality of opportunities. Quality education, especially for girls and young women, is found to be the most important driving force for creating equal opportunities for youth.Please see summary sheets or purchase the whole report online  
The Children and Youth Unit at the World Bank has released a new publication to emphasize the importance of investing in children and youth. Complementing traditional arguments of demographics and human rights, the note provides an economic rational to focus on the young generation. It argues that policymakers should treat public expenditure on children and youth as a public investment that generates returns to society through higher economic growth, reduced social cost, and increased quality of life for all. The note further emphasizes that under-investments in children and youth are difficult to reverse later in life and that the price for society is high.Please see online publication here 

To read the report, please visit:EnglishArabic 

The Report analyzes from a human development perspective the opportunities and constraints that today face Egypt’s sizeable youth population, where 25 percent of Egyptians are between the ages of 18 and 29. It examines the role of youth in Egypt’s development process looking at issues including education, health, gender, poverty, employment, housing, and participation in society. The Report also showcases success stories of youth-centred initiatives, programmes, and projects, calling for greater consultation and communication between young people, the Government and civil society. In conclusion, the Report highlights nine main messages to ensure youth’s inclusion and full participation in society.To read the report, please visit: English/ Arabic
The NHDR-2009/10 on youth in Kyrgyzstan is based on the results from this broad survey, followed by the focus group meetings and roundtables with young people throughout the country and expert analysis. This truly participatory approach provides us with a snapshot of youth’s needs and wants as they perceive and understand them. The group of independent authors looked at the components of human development (health, education, social activism, etc.) through the prism of values that affect youth’s behavioral patterns. We learned that young people in Kyrgyzstan most value getting education and making the right career choices. Their value orientations are related to the ideas about social order, its economic and political foundations, and perspectives on society’s historic development.To read the report, please visit here
This inaugural African Youth Report provides an in-depth perspective on youth issues in Africa. It builds on recent African initiatives, in particular the Fifth African Development Forum on “Youth and leadership in the twenty-first century” which was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Africa Union together with other partners. The resulting Consensus Statement, adopted by a wide range of stakeholders, calls on African governments, partners and young people to take action that will promote not only youth development, but broader economic and social development, and hence, progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).To read the report, please visit here 
El Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano para Mercosur, presenta a los jóvenes como medios y fines del desarrollo. La noción de juventud no sólo se relaciona con el ciclo de vida comprendido entre 15 y 29 años, sino con un concepto socio-cultural que identifica rasgos específicos que van cambiando junto con los distintos contextos socio-históricos. Por tal motivo, a la presente generación se la ha denominado como “generación de la tecno-sociabilidad”.To read the report, please visit here 
This first Human Development Report for Cyprus focuses on the lives and aspirations of the island’s young people. The Report is unique as it is the first time that aspects of the life of youth in both the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities have been mapped out in tandem. This is significant given the long existing division between the two communities that has resulted in young Cypriots growing up apart from one another.To read the report, please visit here 
Este Informe Nacional sobre Desarrollo Humano (INDH) 2008/2009, está dedicado a la juventud, que ocupa un lugar preferente en la Agenda del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, sobre todo, a partir del año de 1985, en que la Asamblea General, lo declaró el Año Internacional de la Juventud. Está dedicado a analizar y reflexionar sobre las variadas formas de exclusión social que enfrenta la juventud hondureña, y a sugerir medidas de política, programas y proyectos para la inclusión social, la construcción de ciudadanía juvenil y el desarrollo humano. Aboga por el combate a las principales formas de exclusión social que limitan el ejercicio real de las potencialidades de los/las jóvenes, y el fomento de la participación de los mismos en el diseño, ejecución y seguimiento de los programas y proyectos orientados a hacer de ellos/as actores estratégicos de desarrollo.To read the report, please visit: English/Spanish 
This first Human Development Report for Cyprus focuses on the lives and aspirations of the island’s young people. The Report is unique as it is the first time that aspects of the life of youth in both the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities have been mapped out in tandem. This is significant given the long existing division between the two communities that has resulted in young Cypriots growing up apart from one another.To read the report, please visit here 
The World Youth Report 2007 examines the challenges and opportunities existing for the roughly 1.2 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24 in the world. Distinct from the 2003 and 2005 editions, it provides a regional overview summarizing the major youth development trends in the fifteen priority areas of the World Programme of Action for Youth. The report explores major issues of concern to youth development, including employment, education, health, poverty and violence. At the same time, it highlights youth as a positive force for development and provides recommendations for supporting their essential contributions.To read the publication, please visit here 
The special needs of children and young people have to be part of urban development and planning – from the beginning and not as an afterthought. Children and young people must be listened to. They must be allowed to take an active role in the community and local life, and have a say in the decisions that will affect their lives and futures. Architects and city planners can best make a difference if they work together with local stakeholders and the community. These were some of the points discussed by the speakers at the seminar “A Better Childhood in the City”.To read the report, please visit here 
The new report provides an excellent opportunity to deepen our understanding of human development and how it applies to Kosovo. Whilst the first report established a base-line, the second report explored in greater detail the differences in development in Kosovan population. The KHDR 2006 report explores the human development concerns of one of the most critical segments of Kosovo society, the youth, which represent both the potential wealth of the Kosovo society for accelerated development and, at the same time, a major potential risk if it is not approached adequately. This report also assess whether there have been improvements in human development since 2002 and identify different development challenges that have emerged since first KHDR report.To read the report, please visit here  


Adolescents and young people have repeatedly proven that they can provide innovative solutions in the midst of complex humanitarian crises. Soon after the December 2004 tsunami they mobilized, helping to distribute aid, assisting with clean-up and rebuilding, and caring for those younger than themselves. Yet their enthusiasm, creativity and energy is not being fully utilized in rehabilitation and development efforts. This publication highlights the helpful, analytical and compassionate comments they made on UNICEF’s Voices of Youth website, and firmly states that “it is time to listen” to these young people and to engage them as key partners.To read the publication, please visit here 

The year 2005 marks ten years since the General Assembly adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth in 1995. This report, an official report to the General Assembly, called for a renewed commitment to the goals of the World Programme of Action, since over 200 million youth were living in poverty, 130 million youth were illiterate, 88 million were unemployed and 10 million young people were living with HIV/AIDS. In the World Youth Report 2005, it is argued that too often, youth policy is driven by negative stereotypes of young people, including delinquency, drug abuse and violence. What seems to be forgotten is that young people are a positive force for development, peace, and democracy.To read the publication, please visit here 


The NHDR 2004 tackles the problems of the youth in the Croatian society and tries to produce innovative solutions to deal with them. Produced in a particularly participatory manner in order to better understand young people’s needs, the report wants to be an innovative and user-friendly advocacy document, accessible to its key target audience: the young.To read the report, please visit here 
El Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano en la Provincia de Buenos Aires 2004-2005 analiza el tema juventud e integracion social. A lo largo de los capitulos se abordan diferentes areas vinculadas al tema, definidas principalmente por su capacidad para conformarse en lineas de accion hacia esta poblacion. La mayor parte de las propuestas para el diseno o reorientacion de politicas publicas que se ofrecen estan encaminadas al trabajo de los gobiernos municipales, ya que se considera que es en el nivel local en el que deben ejecutarse principalmente esta clase de politicas.To read the report, please visit here
El Informe es una aproximación a las realidades de la juventud panameña, grupo que representa el 18 por ciento de la población y que en las próximas décadas constituirá la mayoría. A través de distintas metodologías de investigación, como entrevistas a profundidad, grupos de enfoque y una Encuesta Nacional de Juventud aplicada a mil 573 jóvenes en todo el país, el Informe permite reconocer las carencias, las necesidades y los potenciales de la juventud.To read the report, please visit here 

A definition of relevant concepts and estimates of the number of young people in extreme poverty worldwide are provided in the beginning of this chapter. They are based on indicators used to measure the progress made towards poverty eradication within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals. Evidence is then examined to determine whether poverty is more likely to be concentrated among youth. Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers are used to help identify whether and how youth poverty is being addressed. The chapter concludes with an assessment of reasons for the likely under representation of young people in the country-level poverty statistics and policy initiatives examined. To read the chapter, please visit here 

This year’s report is devoted to young people, to the problems they face and to their opportunities, and to their position in society as a social group. Both problems and opportunities are understood from a human development standpoint, beyond tangible material opportunities or opportunities related to livelihoods. Apart from education, employment and security, these include societal and spiritual issues for young people and opportunities to share important societal values with other generations, to feel themselves a part of society so that they can govern principles of solidarity and respect not only material but also the spiritual needs of all generations.To read the report, please visit here
This first Jordanian National Human Development Report focuses on the condition and role of young people in the country, arguing that the capacity of young Jordanians to contribute to national development and to compete in the global economy will determine whether Jordan remains a low middle income country or joins the ranks of the world’s advanced economies. The Report looks at young people’s lives and aspirations in the three key areas of education, employment and social integration, finding for example that 60% of all unemployed people are below that age of 25. The Report concludes that although Jordan has made significant advances in building people’s capabilities, there is room for improvement in aspects of gender-equality, employment, income and quality and relevance of education, and ends with a substantial section on policy recommendations suggesting strategies for addressing this shortfall.To read the report, please visit here 

The book does not focus on the UN World Food Programme’s operations. Done in partnership with the World Bank and the Partnership for Child Development, the State of School Feeding Worldwide 2013 presents our current understanding of school feeding through a global survey, maps, case studies and analysis. It follows up from the landmark 2009 publication Rethinking School Feeding, to provide new insights into the policy and management of school feeding programmes globally.  Since the financial crisis in 2008, interest in school feeding has grown among both high- and low income countries, highlighting the need to improve our knowledge and our evidence base.

To read the full report click here

This paper presents evidence and analysis to support the integration of young people’s rights, needs, and aspirations in poverty reduction strategies. It shows how to make a convincing and evidence-based case for prioritizing the needs of young people among other competing claims for resources for the poverty eradication agenda.

It shows how to make a convincing and evidence-based case for prioritizing the needs of young people among other competing claims for resources for the poverty eradication agenda.

To read the full report click here:


Many national poverty reduction strategies overlook the needs of young people. Even where national strategies do have a youth focus, the analysis of their situation is limited because little or no reference is made to readily available data. The purpose of this step-by-step guide is to show how relevant statistics on young people in poverty can be easily sourced for use in developing national poverty reduction strategies. The guide shows how to use accessible databases on the Internet to provide individual countries with sophisticated statistical profile of young people in poverty.

To read the full report click here

The purpose of this paper is to explain why young people should get more attention in country strategies to reduce poverty. The paper proposes a conceptual framework in the form of seven arguments to show why a focus on young people (defined as those aged 10 to 24 year olds) needs to be part of any national working understanding of poverty. The arguments are designed to be addressed to policy makers engaged in a multistage policy development process.


To read the full report click here

The State of the African Youth Report is a continental analysis providing an evidence based account on the status of young people today. The report was prepared in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund and is intended to be the source of data and information on the continent’s efforts to meet policy and structural challenges in efforts to unlock the potential of African Youth.

The 2011 Report is a critical document in that it cements the African Union’s efforts to describe, consolidate and bring together actors in a common youth development agenda on the continent.

To read the full report click here.

The 21st century is witnessing a profound shift in global dynamics, driven by the fast-rising new powers of the developing world. China has overtaken Japan as the world’s second biggest economy, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the process. India is reshaping its future with new entrepreneurial creativity and social policy innovation. Brazil is raising its living standards by expanding international relationships and antipoverty programmes that are emulated worldwide. But the “Rise of the South” is a much larger phenomenon. Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and other developing countries are becoming leading actors on the world stage. The 2013 Human Development Report identifies more than 40 developing countries that have done better than expected in human development in recent decades, with their progress accelerating markedly over the past 10 years.





The increasing prominence of the youth bulge in most urban areas presents a unique opportunity, as they represent the most dynamic human resource available. Yet this group suffers the most from urban unemployment and often feels that they lack equal access to opportunities. This report recommends a better match between skills and labour markets through vocational training and with the participation of the private sector. ‘Soft’ skills matter more in service-oriented economies, young people in informal settlements need entrepreneurial abilities, and capacities must be better geared to knowledge-intensive business services.

To read the full report click here.


This report is a synthesis of three case studies conducted in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam and aims to enhance understanding on training and employment opportunities, challenges regarding employment and the training of rural youth. The findings from the three country studies suggest the need for enhanced policy coordination to address limited human and financial resources, particularly in terms of reaching the local and community levels. This is also to allow broad-based participation in the efforts to improve employment and training prospects of therural youth.

To read the full report click here.

UNFPA and PRB developed a specialized interactive map and publication about young people in sub-Saharan Africa. The interactive map and report present available data for 20 specific indicators, disaggregated by age and sex when possible. The publication provides an overview of key data findings about population, education, employment, sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and gender and social protection issues, and has 45 country profiles.

To read the full report click here.


The theme of The World Development Report 2007 is youth – young people between the ages of 12 to 24. As this population group seeks identity and independence, they make decisions that affect not only their own well-being, but that of others, and they do this in a rapidly changing demographic and socio-economic environment. Supporting young people’s transition to adulthood poses important opportunities and risky challenges for development policy. Are education systems preparing young people to cope with the demands of changing economies? What kind of support do they get as they enter the labor market? Can they move freely to where the jobs are? What can be done to help them avoid serious consequences of risky behavior, such as death from HIV-AIDS and drug abuse? Can their creative energy be directed productively to support development thinking? The report will focus on crucial capabilities and transitions in a young person’s life: learning for life and work, staying healthy, working, forming families, and exercising citizenship. For each, there are opportunities and risks; for all, policies and institutions matter.

To read the full report click here.

Qatar’s Third National Human Development Report (HDR), Expanding the Capacities of Qatari Youth: Mainstreaming Young People in Development, supports and provides synergies with Qatar’s National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030) and Qatar’s first National Development Strategy 2011-2016 (NDS).

To read the full report click here.

This report catalogues, in heart-wrenching detail, the array of dangers adolescents face. It also examines the dangers posed by emerging trends like climate change, whose intensifying effects in many developing countries already undermine so many adolescents’ well-being, and by labour trends, which reveal a profound lack of employment opportunities for young people, especially those in poor countries. Adolescence is not only a time of vulnerability; it is also an age of opportunity. This is especially true when it comes to adolescent girls. By giving all young people the tools they need to improve their own lives, and by engaging them in efforts to improve their communities, we are investing in the strength of their societies.

To read the full report click here.