The Convention on Biological Diversity’s International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing and Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights

International Expert Group Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing and Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights

17 – 19 January 2007, New York



Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing and Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights

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March 26 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

John Scott

Recent Developments on Access to Genetic Resources and Benfit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity – Powerpoint Presentation

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)

John Scott

Recent Developments on Access to Genetic Resources and Benfit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Joji Cariño

Indigenous Peoples: Their Central Role and Contributions to an International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Yolanda Terán Maigua

Factores que permiten u obstruyen la participación de los Pueblos Indígenas en los procesos del Convenio de Diversidad Biológica, CDB

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Sem T Shikongo

The issues around the negotiation of the International Regime on Access and benefit-sharing and the effective participation of local and indigenous communities in this negotiation process: An African Perspective

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Delivered by Benoît Gauthier

Statement by the Observer Delegaion of Canada

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Debra Harry, Le`a Malia Kanehe, Estebancio Castro Dias

Potential Threats to Indigenous Peoples’ Rights by the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Proposed International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Mattias Åhrén

Contribution by Mattias Åhrén

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Merle Alexander

The Role of Traditional Knowledge Protocols in conjunction with a Certificate of Origin/Source/Legal Provenance ABS Regime

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Draft Programme of Work for EGM on CBD and ABS

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Draft Agenda for EGM on CBD and ABS

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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Draft Provisional Agenda for EGM on CBD and ABS

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February 22 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)