World Economic And Social Survey Archive: 1947-1949


World Economic Report 1949–1950

World Economic Report 1949-50 analyses major developments in domestic economic conditions and international economic relations during 1949 and the first half of 1950, with some preliminary comments on tendencies since mid-1950. The Report also presents a discussion of two special problems: the factors underlying the persistent dollar deficits in a large part of the world prior to 1949 and the relationship between the currency devaluation of 1949 and subsequent developments in international trade.


World Economic Report 1948

World Economic Report 1948 assembles a considerable volume of post-war economic data relating to all regions of the world not hitherto available within the compass of a single study. The Report aims to provide a comprehensive survey of the world economic situation in 1948, and to indicate major economic problems and prospects as at the end of the year. In addition, present economic conditions in various areas of the world are compared with those which prevailed before the war. Particular attention is drawn to certain significant economic trends during 1948 and the early months of 1949 which appear to call for national and international action.

Major Economic Changes in 1948

Part one of Major Economic Changes in 1948 provides a broad picture of the main economic developments during the year. It also focuses on the world supply of commodities, inflationary and deflationary developments in 1948, and international trade and finance. Part two of this study analyses selected world economic indices such as general trends in industrial production, food production, fuel and energy output, production of raw materials, and manufacturing activities in selected industries.

Supplement to Major Economic Changes in 1948

This Supplement to Major Economic Changes in 1948 presents a verbatim record of the discussion of the world economic situation in the Economic and Social Council at its eighth session, which took place from 21 to 25 February 1949. At the conclusion of its discussion, the Council adopted a resolution drawing the attention of Member Governments of the United Nations, the Economic and Employment Commission, the regional economic commissions and the specialized agencies to the views expressed by members of the Council.


Salient Features of the World Economic Situation 1945-47

Salient Features of the World Economic Situation 1945-47 is the first economic report in a planned series designed to meet the need—recognized by the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council—for a regular appraisal of world economic conditions and trends as a prerequisite for recommendations as to concerted national or international action in the economic field.

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