World Economic and Social Survey 2007

Development in an Ageing World

wess2007coverThe World Economic and Social Survey 2007 analyses the implications of ageing for social and economic development around the world. The ageing of the population offers both challenges and opportunities. Among the most pressing issues is the prospect of a smaller labour force having to support and increasingly larger older population. Paralleling increased longevity, changes in intergenerational relationships may affect the provision of care and income security for older persons particularly in developing countries where family transfers play a major role. Thus, societies must also ensure seeing to the particular needs of older populations in terms of the requisite health care and appropriate living conditions. At the same time, it is also necessary to fully recognize and better harness the productive and social contributions older persons can bring to societies but in many instances are prevented from doing so.

The Survey argues that these challenges are not insurmountable, but societies everywhere need to put in place the required policies to confront these challenges effectively and to ensure adequate standard of living for all while respecting and promoting the contribution and participation that all can bring to society.

Sales No. E.07.II.C.1
ISBN 978-92-1-109154-0


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