Meeting of LDCs and Friends of LDCs on the Implementation of the SDGs in LDCs

OHRLLS is convening a consultative meting of LDCs and Friends of LDCs on the implementation of the SDGs and Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs. Increasingly urgent and complex challenges that are driving the development needs and vulnerabilities of LDCs call for accelerated action by all stakeholders to ensure that the global community puts the LDCs at the heart of the common development agenda.The Consultative Meeting takes place one year after the Midterm Review of the Istanbul Programme of Action and at a critical juncture of various key processes taking place at the UN, including the upcoming High-Level Political Forum as well as the on-going UN reform. The main objective of the Consultative Meeting is to encourage informal exchange of views on key accomplishments and critical constraints in implementing the Agenda 2030 and the Istanbul Programme of Action and how the main challenges can be addressed at national, regional and global levels. In line with the upcoming High-Level Political Forum, it will focus on SDG 1 on ending poverty and discuss how the UN system can best support the efforts of the LDCs in the spirit of leaving no one behind.


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