Document_GEM: Global Economic Monitoring Unit (GEM)

Global Economic Monitoring Unit (GEM)

The force of the US expansion is reverberating across the world through trade and financial channels. As the recovery picks up speed, concerns over rising inflation and interest rates in the US are increasing.
Many developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, are not projected to recover to pre-pandemic output levels until 2023.
Gender barriers perpetuate inequalities and hold back productivity growth, limiting the effectiveness of post-pandemic recovery policies. Post-pandemic public policy should urgently mainstream gender and address the crisis’ disproportionate impact on women.
While the global growth outlook has improved, led by robust rebound in China and the United States, surging COVID-19 infections and inadequate vaccination progress in many countries threaten a broad-based recovery of the world economy.
Selon les dernières prévisions des Nations Unies, publiées aujourd’hui, si les perspectives de croissance mondiale s’améliorent, une recrudescence du nombre de personnes contaminées par la COVID-19 menacent une relance générale de l’économie mondiale.
التعافي الاقتصادي مهدد بالفشل وسط تصاعد عدد حالات كوفيد وتأخر عمليات التلقيح في الدول الفقيرة
较贫穷国家2019 冠状病毒病例剧增且疫苗接种滞后,危及全球经济复苏
Восстановление экономики под угрозой в условиях увеличения количества случаев заражения COVID и отставания в вакцинации в более бедных странах
Several contributing factors need to be reviewed to look into currently emerging inflationary pressures, including the oil market, grains market, base metal market, semiconductor chip shortage, international shipping, wages and monetary factors.
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