Expanding productive capacity for achieving the SDGs

Expanding productive capacity for achieving the SDGs

On 16 March 2016 the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) organized a panel discussion on expanding productive capacity for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as a side event to the 18th CDP Plenary session. CDP members Prof. Diane Elson, Prof. Stephan Klasen, and Prof. Keith Nurse presented CDP perspectives on expanding productive capacity to achieve the SDGs. The discussion was moderated by the CDP Chair, Prof. José Antonio Ocampo.

“The international community is now focusing its attention on implementing the ambitious goals and targets in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. A critical element for ensuring that no country is left behind in the efforts to achieve the SDGs is to expand productive capacities in least developed countries”, Prof. Ocampo explained. Panellists focused on the contribution of international support measures for least developed countries (LDCs), such as preferential market access and aid for trade for productive capacity building on LDCs. They also stressed the importance of having an integrated policy approach including investing in human capacities and social protection, promoting environmental sustainability and adopting growth-oriented macroeconomic and financial policies.

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