
17 Aug, 2017

مبعوثة الأمم المتحدة للشباب تختتم أول مهمة دولية إلى العراق مؤكدة على أهمية تمكين الشباب

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اطلعت مبعوثة الأمم المتحدة للشباب السيدة جاياتما   فيكراماناياكي مباشرةً وفي أول زيارة دولية لها على الآثار المدمرة للنزاع على الشباب في العراق، إلا أنها شهدت أيضاً الأمل فيهم، وشجعت الشابات والشبان على أن يكونوا قادة في مجتمعاتهم. وتأكيداً على أهمية إشراك الشباب وتمكينهم، احتفلت السيدة فيكراماناياكي باليوم الدولي للشباب هذا العام في العراق، وذلك في حفلٍ حضره

15 Aug, 2017

Youth Envoy wraps first international mission to Iraq underlining the importance of youth empowerment

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On her first international trip, the UN Youth Envoy, Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, saw first-hand in Iraq the devastating effects of conflict on youth but also witnessed hope in them, and encouraged the young women and men to be leaders in their communities. Underlining the importance of engaging and empowering youth, Ms. Wickramanayake commemorated this year's

13 Apr, 2016

Syrian refugees welcome new secondary school in Basirma Camp, Iraq

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From UNESCO Syrian students are celebrating the opening of a new secondary school built by UNESCO in Basirma refugee camp in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Roj Awa Secondary School will be open to multiple shifts, allowing more than 500 students to access secondary schooling. The ceremony, attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education

15 Mar, 2016

“What I would most like is to leave this job and go back to school.” 15 year old Mohammed, of Syria, in Iraq

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From UNICEF Iraq  Though he’s only 15 years old, school is a distant memory for Mohammed. He and his five siblings haven’t been in a classroom since they fled Kobani, Syria, three years ago and came to the Kurdistan region of Iraq. To help support his family, Mohammed now works full-time in an industrial area

1 Sep, 2013

Regional Focus: Partnering with Youth to Build Democratic Societies in the Arab Region

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Egypt: Assessing Governance from a Youth Perspective In Egypt, young men and women drove the 25 January revolution because they have been economically, socially and politically excluded. As the country now moves forward with a new government and Constitution, a DGTTF-backed project will work through an experienced national partner, the Social Contract Center, on youth-focused governance assessments