Daily Archives: 11 December 2014

11 Dec, 2014

Workshop on Evidence-informed Policies on Youth Development in Africa

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3-5 December 2014, Nairobi, Kenya - UNDESA DSPD Focal Point on Youth and the Technical Cooperation Unit carried out a regional training workshop on “Evidence-informed youth policies in Africa”. The workshop was held from 3 to 5 December in Nairobi, Kenya. Themeeting brought together United Nations entities, representatives of youth organizations, representatives of Member States and academia

11 Dec, 2014

Restoring hope to Albania’s unemployed youth

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Many young Albanian workers are returning home after losing their jobs abroad due to the economic crisis. For many of them, re-entering the local labour market is a daunting task. An ILO-UNDP project helped them address that challenge. ILO News - Jorilda and Edi Pepa worked in the bustling tourism industry of the Aegean Island of