OSAGI Home Gender Mainstreaming Focal Point

Mandates for incorporating gender perspectives in medium-term plans 
and programme budgets in the United Nations

Twenty-third special session of the General Assembly to follow-up implementation 
of the Platform for Action June 2000 (A/S-23/10/Rev.1)

"65. The realization and the achievement of the goals of gender equality, development and peace need to be supported by the allocation of necessary human, financial and material resources for specific and targeted activities to ensure gender equality at the local, national, regional and international levels as well as by enhanced and increased international cooperation. Explicit attention to these goals in the budgetary processes at the national, regional and international levels is essential."

"73 (b). Incorporate a gender perspective into the design, development, adoption and execution of all budgetary processes, as appropriate, in order to promote equitable, effective and appropriate resource allocation and establish adequate budgetary allocations to support gender equality and development programmes that enhance women's empowerment and develop the necessary analytical and methodological tools and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation;"

ECOSOC Resolution, July 1998 (E/Res/1998/26)

"13. Requests the governing bodies of the United Nations funds and programmes to monitor the implementation of gender mainstreaming in their programme of work, including in the budgeting of their respective organizations."

General Assembly Resolution, December 1997 (A/Res/52/100)

"11. Requests all bodies that deal with programme and budgetary matters, including the Committee for Programme and Coordination, to ensure that all programmes, medium-term plans and programme budgets visibly mainstream a gender perspective: 12. Invites other intergovernmental bodies, such as the governing bodies of the United Nations funds and programmes, to monitor the way in which the concerned agencies, funds and programmes implement gender mainstreaming in their respective medium-term plans and programme budgets, including at the field level."

Letter of the Secretary General, 13 October 1997

a) to Heads of Departments, Programmes, Funds and Regional Commissions "&I would like you to take a number of steps:& c) Prepare medium-term plans and programme budgets in such a manner that a gender perspective is apparent."

b) to Heads of Specialized Agencies "&Medium-term plans and programme budgets also need to be prepared in such a way as to ensure that a gender perspective is apparent."

ECOSOC Agreed Conclusions July 1997/2

"The Council encourages the General Assembly to direct all of its committees and bodies and draw the attention of other bodies of the United Nations system to the need to mainstream a gender perspective systematically into all areas of their work, in particular in such areas as macroeconomic questions, operational activities for development, poverty eradication, human rights, humanitarian assistance, budgeting, disarmament, peace and security, and legal and political matters&" (p29).

" All bodies that deal with programme and budgetary matters, including the Committee for Programme and Coordination, should ensure that all programmes visibly mainstream a gender perspective" (p29).

"United Nations funds and programmes and specialized agencies should ensure that, on the basis of gender analysis, gender concerns are addressed in all planning activities when setting priorities, allocating resources and identifying actions and activities." (p31).


Focal Point for Women.

Gender Mainstreaming IANWGE Contact
Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI)
United Nations, Two United Nations Plaza,
44th St. 12th Floor, NY ,NY 10017
URL: http://www.un.org/osagi